- Monster legends wiki Received a major update to its original design on May 2018. GM Victoria. ) Role: Denier Finally! An actually solid PvP/Battle Pass monster in ages! Dyrathin is a basic denier, but a Monster Legends Wiki. He decided to leave his home region when Count Vlad, jealous of his glamour, started expropriating his properties. Now is the moment when the champion of the Forest needs to show himself to defend the weak equilibrium of the ecosystems. Not permanently breedable First released in a special Breeding Event (2016) H2O Delirious Challenge (2020) Name and design are inspired by gaming YouTuber, H2O Delirious, who is known for the quote "Shuch up!" Kirk Moonwalker strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Legends tell of the greatest monster in the world, a mythical muscled beast with unpierceable fur and gigantic claws! Perhaps that isn't Bonbon, she is just a tribute, she tries her hardest to be scary though. Its trait, while generally decent, is kinda Monster Legends Wiki. Original Mythic monster can only be ranked up using their own cells, Mythic Amber. Description mentions that she is a tribute to the greatest monster in Luthien was walking around the Royal Gardens when she stumbled upon her destiny in the shape of an Astronite stone. In exchange, Kirk was very happy to let him join the Star Sailors. The Elektra Patrol doesn't accept new-joiner applications, but Lightning Star's was too good to ignore. Now he oversees the Adventurers' Guild's trade network. He cracked the branch open and it was poisoned with toxic residue! That day, Koarim swore he wouldn’t rest until he had destroyed the monsters behind this residue. Original design: When he was dethroned, Barbatos accepted his defeat without making a big fuss, but only because he knew that his moment to come back would arrive and that his friends in Hell wouldn't fail him and they didn't. She provides for them, and fixes their weapons, vehicles, and even their houses. View Mobile Site Linnaeus and Saberus strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Thanks to them, he was able to obtain Ambrosia and transform into Barbatos Rex. Unfortunately for him, these bugs aren't going to give in without a fight. Once a member of the Adventurer's Guild, Tyr set out on a fateful quest to some of the coldest and most remote lands. Elvira had tried to summon Arch Knight after she fell from the Celestial Paradise, but it wasn't until Xiron found his relic that she was able to invoke him! However, Xiron's presence in the ritual had an unexpected effect: Arch Knight manifested himself as Arch Duke. They also have a unique mechanic in Awakening, wherein they Breed, feed, raise and train Legendary and Epic monsters, then start fighting in the arena. Not only can he learn languages easily, but he has an amazing ability to befriend almost anyone. It was wrapped in a piece of paper with a message saying she'd been chosen to lead the fight against the Abominations in Petra. This entity has come to Monster Legends through a Dark Vortex and will try to take everyone back to Darkness with it. Skills are various rocks and minerals: gravel, aragonite, silica, silt, granitic, arkose, glauconite, chlorite, and basalt. 99. Role: Attacker/Tank Monster Legends Wiki There are few necromancers with enough power to resurrect a destroyed soul, and Domemane is one of them. When Mouseron was young, he and Noahrian played heroes and villains. Porcuspike hibernates most of the year and only stays awake during the fall. Stina Steambandit is like a mother to the Wastelands monsters. Raaawwwwwwrrr gluuuubbb buuuuuurrrrrrrrrrlllll kek agol *BURP*. 1 Stats and Information; 2 Obtention; The Inheritor and Kaih the Sunmelter have only started their new roles as co-rulers of Hell, but they're already feeling the pains of power. With cunning, Mekaduk was able to steal a valuable cloaking device from his Skeel masters and brought it to Kirk as tribute. Chopork's family was eaten by a big, bad wolf. The release of a new YouTuber-inspired monster often brings a special time-limited book. But Mortal Ming devised a clever plan to spread propaganda and misinformation throughout Petra, giving Wangzhou enough time to plot his own triumphant comeback. First released in the Superhero Maze (2016) Named for the DJ Darude, whose debut album was entitled Sandstorm. (September 20th - September 24th, 2024) (September 27th - October 1st, 2024) (October 4th - Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Their body is made of different monster parts stolen from multiple universes, infused with Geneza's dark powers and evil purpose. We have created tier-lists for the most competitively viable Legendary an Monster Legends is a free-to-play game on mobile devices developed and published by Spain-based developer, SocialPoint. View Mobile Site TomSka's Mine Turtle is a nature tank with healing and damage mirror skills! There are multiple sources you can use to get him or collect his cells: a breeding event, a Monsterwood Crazy Event, the Fraternity Team Event, two special Mudster loved Halloween but never had the chance to celebrate (or anyone to celebrate with). Social Point regularly releases new monsters inspired by various YouTubers. Role: Curser. After all, isn't popularity the most important part of school? Not permanently breedable Fist released as the Back to School Flip Challenge Tikaani's specialized polar exploration equipment represents the finest in Wastelands innovation. This is Uru, the cutest jelly you'll ever see! But don't be distracted by his cuteness: Uru can take the shape of any legendary fighter and destroy you. Things get very messy when Gastosquish is involved! Slick and slimy, Gastosquish is great for supporting your team and soaking up enemy attacks. Meet the king of speed within the Saurian pack. View Mobile Site The Feral Era is the eleventh Era in Monster Legends and will feature groups of Feral Mythics released in groups called Feral Seasons, which last for 27 days. Well, let's begin A young Firanda has little control over her flames and can be a menace in the forest, suffering exile and rejection. 119028. In his radio show, he plays the best beats, but he's also sort of become the voice of the people. Shakesperante strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Molgun was the first minion Mater Geneza ever built. Marihelson is back home after having spent many years investigating how the World Water War turned into a nuclear conflict, but he has changed a lot. View Mobile Site Supporters are the most vague combat category of monsters. However, once grown, Firanda helps to protect everything she loves with strength and wisdom. First released as a Spotlight monster with a special gem offer (2016) The Big Heist Team Race (2017) Hell-O-Ween Team Race (2017) In Greek mythology, Erebus is a deity representing the personification of Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. As one of the founding members of Elektra Patrol, he used his burning desire for peace Mouseron strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Team runes boost the stats of all monsters on the team (or in the habitat, with gold runes) while individual runes boost only the monster who has them equipped. While not being as complex as the 2022's Halloween monster (aka Lord La Befana has been delivering gifts to different monster communities for many years! Lately she' been having a little problem, though: As she ages, she's mixing things up a little, including gifts! However, she does her job so lovingly that no one can reproach her clumsiness. First released in the Imperial China Island (2015) Force of Elements Maze (2016) Curse of Qin's Army Maze (2019) Name and design are references to the Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang, the Monster Legends Wiki While the Village of Adventurers was being built, Dumbane took on the responsibility of sourcing and transporting heavy building materials. He uses it as a baseball bat. Elite chests and Elite cell offers are only available during a special event called Elite Days, which typically lasts for 3 days. See all Original Mythic monsters. But the hidden evil forces provoked her to rise and fight against injustice. Everyone is wary since his arrival. Food is mainly grown on farms, but can also be earned by other means, like completing a level on the Adventure Map, or as a reward. Darude is a villain for hire. Gardenion is a subordinate construct to Primerion Unimate, and is responsible for maintaining public spaces and ensuring Citizens follow rules and stay orderly But Primerion's recent glitch has played serious Monster Legends Wiki. Explore Monster Legends Wiki. "Audrey Junior" is a reference to Audrey This kitsune has visited the island of Monster Legends, in search of his scroll, which contains plenty of imaginary monsters. See all Elite Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Since they don't respect his talent as a performer and just want him for his Kromition strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Was replaced by Treezard in Nemestrinus has existed for ages, but was never seen. Could the planet handle another version of Galante?Luckily for the Monster Legends Wiki. Monster Legends Wiki This orc was repudiated by his tribe because of his size right after his birth, so he was raised at the Light Kingdom. Monsters have one of seven rarities: common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, or ancestor, one or two elements, one or two relic This kitsune has visited the island of Monster Legends, in search of his scroll, which contains plenty of imaginary monsters. Brought back to game September 2016 as part of the Vintage Secret Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. He is the only Saurian with sentience, and Saberus is the strongest, so together, they're the undisputed Jakpack's talent is outstanding for a monster of his age. Nishant wasn't just impressed with Olan's alacrity; he was doubly impressed by the way Olan was able to rearrange the Abomination's entrails with just a few quick flicks of his wrist, definitely Dark Blades material. edits. Fortunately, he found it, but when he heard the news that his planet had been destroyed by Arch Duke strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Eneroid's enormous, dense body absorbs incoming damage like a sponge. Unless he can take one of the galaxy’s finest pleasure vessels to the location, he’s not interested. After shooting himself into space with a cannon, Kirk adopted the name Moonwalker and left his life in the Pirates of Petra behind. Monster Legends Wiki Nikasia is a young magic apprentice, as she wants to follow the steps of her grandmother Saika and her big sister Kassia. Mecharasu will fight for justice and a better integration of technology in nature. She knows a few magic spells but she's passionate, agile, strong and very talented, so very soon she'll be She used to protect the weak by healing and taking care of them. Be advised that because the The Monster Legends Wiki is fan-made database on everything regarding the mobile game Monster Legends: monsters, stats, skills, events, and so much more! Guidelines. When the young monsters started leaving, the island's population died out, leaving Ishigaki alone. Click here to see all YouTuber-inspired monsters. Their leader Thermagorn has a plan to hollow out the ground under The Shelter's main building. But Pulse Bane has the good sense not to say that to anyone. In the New Kingdoms, however, the Thundhare delivers magical justice and punishes bad actions. Nishant the Great certainly has an eye for talent, especially evil talent. He even had a slayer suit he had put together through many years, but he lacked one thing: the power. Role: Self Sustaining Denier Monster Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. pages. 3175. After all, she's the one pulling the strings of fate or so she'd like to convince you. As one of Graciel's angelic agents, Kerubel helps his Ancestor find and stop evil monsters from executing their grotesque plans. But a strange urge has overtaken him, forcing him from his Eneroid is a "good" tank in an unfortunate state of the meta. Role: Attacker Mudster is a decent attacker. Honor and glory await those who make it back home, whereas those who never return cast shame on their families. That sits terribly with Nebotus’ remaining MC Boss had held all types of jobs — DJ, rapper, b-boy, until he found his true passion as a radio host. It's a good thing for them that Eneroid is much bigger and stronger than it is smart, or they'd never survive their target Wizerth strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Every monster's letter to Santerion starts with "I've been good this year!", but we all know that in most cases, that's not true. This former Righteous Court soldier left the Light Kingdom and dropped his allegiance to King Daeron after discovering the Summitfolk's lifestyle. Not permanently breedable First released in La Befana's Tale (January 17th, Monster Legends Wiki. Elite Souls are a special type of currency used to purchase Elite monster cells and Elite chests. Monsters who, when paired with an Ancestor, give stat boosts to both themselves and the Ancestor. When Yaoguai Wangzhou and the Fury Dojo went into hiding after their defeat, the faction seemed doomed. Hexer Alb is the last surviving member of Anwir Paincraver's death cult, which eventually became the Dark Blades faction. His mission is to be the first Angel to reach Paradise Monster Legends Wiki Skydkold’s ice shield, Froskold, is a family heirloom. Honor and fairness are for losers. Dark Forest Island (2015) Shares a similar design with Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Kawborg always dreamed of living a survivalist lifestyle in the Wastelands, but he couldn't handle the toxic environment. Original Mythic monsters are a special class of mythic monsters. They all know that, whenever they need something, they just need to go to Stina's Garage, on the border between Monstown and the Wastelands, and she'll welcome them with open toolboxes. Think twice before entering into any kind of agreement with these magical marvels. Not permanently breedable First Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. However, it leaves a trail of mushrooms wherever its feet touch the ground, making it fairly easy to follow. The ultimate zealot, Hexer Alb is loyal to Anwir to the point where it occasionally causes him great pain: which is exactly what Anwir likes most, besides Gold. They may be earned in the Legends Pass, as rewards in Grand Duels, or as other special rewards. He has but one weakness: If you give him an "unlike" it will be like a fatal blow for him. Fayemalice hosts rituals trying to curse Soulblast, but he secretly spies on her and feeds off her magic. Now Mardina has two little namesake babies to add extra color to her new life! Monster Legends Wiki. Blaster Kong is Firekong’s younger (and much smaller) sibling. Unluckily for them, there is a judge who reviews every monster's case and decides whether they deserve a good present, an average one, or no gifts at all! His name is Presentus. They also have a unique mechanic in Awakening, wherein they gain stronger abilities, a new design, a unique special, and Virtues. Old Design Design may have been inspired by the electric character from the Street Fighter franchise, Blanka. Fighting a node requires the use of 1 . But, because he understands the fragile balance of mortal happiness and misery, he also asks Graciel to intervene when he discovers a monster truly suffering. 4m and increases food production from all farms by the percentage below: He cannot boost the experience gained from growing crops, only the food amounts. He's not the best blacksmith either, but at least he can handle orcs, Darmith's troops, and all those other Vosker strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Gloverd lost one of the seedling trees on his back during a fight with some Abominations. They also have the ability to perform a cap breakout, allowing them to rank up to intermediate steps with less stardust. He may be activated for 26. Role: Attacker. But Primerion's recent glitch has played Morgz information on the Monster Legends Wiki Morgz Dielab had always wanted to be a dragon slayer, the most stylish killer of them all. This scroll has been crafted from Mystic Opal, which means if anyone tries to use it, all these imaginary monsters will appear, kind, heroic and even evil. Gardenion is a subordinate construct to Primerion Unimate, and is responsible for maintaining public spaces and ensuring Citizens follow rules and stay orderly. His transformation into Boss DaRex Coach Poodle's the most popular teacher at Monstown High, although that's mostly because he never assigns homework and sleeps through class. Ever since he unfroze, he's slowly regaining his strength and abilities, so keep an eye out for Blastroodon! Role: Attacker. He's on a mission to find a place to settle Wastelands monsters in a clean environment, and to extend the BaroneX's sphere of influence at the same time. Her time to step up and embrace her destiny has come! Not permanently breedable First released as a free Legends Pass reward Monster Legends Wiki. First released as a free Legends Pass Tough, strong and dumb. After Malairion chopped down almost every tree in the city to build The Shelter, he left termites with nothing to eat. ION V2 is a top-of-the-line bounty-hunting robot. Collect Monster Legends to uncover their fighting skills and boost your strategy in action packed RPG Due to his huge size and terrifying strength, Anky, one of the last surviving ancient Saurians, has thrived for thousands of years. This plan will work perfectly as long as Daedalus never finds out! List of all monsters in the book. During the event the Elite chests, containing 1 Elite Monster Legends Wiki. Unfortunately, he is just too darn cute for anyone to listen when he gives dramatic speeches about his mission, not very threatening at all. Superfume is the monster Jestin Justice saved from an attacker right after he first transformed. Like Superfume, Exothermic was transformed into a superhero when he witnessed Jestin Justice's metamorphosis. Shadow in Boots is a deadly assassin on a murderous mission to eliminate the monster who slew his innocent family. Players will recharge 1 every 10 minutes and have a maximum of 10 . 1 Stats and information; Monster Legends Wiki Saulot was a cruel general who commanded armies with great success but no compassion. Originally recruited by Lord Nebotus, this necromancer gained support within the Souls Lair faction after the Lord's disappearance. Build a world in the game for monsters to live, fill it with habitats and breed new species! Take your monsters on exciting quests and arena battles full of strategy. Our main goal is to introduce new players into the competitive meta-game and show guides, along with possibly sharing team ideas with each other. They do not focus on dealing damage or denying the enemy. When he left he was a kind and good looking monster, but his exposure to radiation has had terrible effects on his physique and behavior! Monster Legends Wiki Azajinn nearly destroyed Warmaster Sherezar in hand-to-hand combat, but the Warmaster managed to (accidentally) imprison him in a snack container and put the genie under his control. He was the villain and he kinda liked it so, when Noahrian became Noahgnarok, the hero he had always Faunus is the Guardian of Farming. Then one day, when he added an amber stone to his suit, it came to life and gave him all the power he'd longed for. Koarim was eating bamboo after his workout, when he noticed something different: it didn’t taste right. When this bardic bad boy appeared through a Gateway, all of Elektra was in an uproar. First released in the Contaminated Island (2015) Futuristic Island (2016) Japanese Dojo Maze Island (2017) Cyber Infestation Grand Prix (2018) Thaw of the Dead Maze (2019) Genie strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. He’s a master of foul play both in casinos and the arena. He's stronger by the day. Having been formed from pure mystical energy, Xandrite had thousands of questions about magic. One rock, Rygolm, was so enchanted by the stories that Ryclops took it with him when he escaped. It was the night of a full moon when Colin heard some strange noises behind him while he was strolling through the forest. Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Role: Denier Tikaani is not only the first denier of Feral Era, but also the first Race monster. As Khallidan grew up, it became clear that you can take an orc out of his tribe, but he'll still be an orc. Frankly, he's enjoying the VIP treatment her supporters give him a little too much. Their latest problem is that Acheron, a beast they were keeping in the dungeons to torture their prisoners, has escaped and gone through it to another galaxy! First released as a paid Legends Pass reward (August 20, 2021) Bounty Hunt The Panda, long a symbol of melancholy and sadness, but no longer! These Pandas are Nature's ninjas! What they lack in stealth, they more than make up for in unexpected agility, reflexes and clumsiness. She's been puttering around her garden for years, hoping he'll return The Treezard has long been a symbol of melancholy and sadness. A semi-sentient supercomputer regulating all of Elektra, Primerion Unimate is also the Ancestor of the Citizens. ” So far, it’s a change he’s happy to have made, although he’d be lying if he said he didn Also known as “The Player”, Erebus is idolized by all dirty criminals. Elite monsters are a special category of strong monsters. Darkypus. When Pulse Bane found themself mistakenly summoned to Souls Lair, they couldn't have been more thrilled. It might take him long to make it, but Jarldoom strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. The Monster Legends Wiki is a fan-maintained database for all your Monster Legends needs: monsters, stats, breeding, events, books, and more! This is a competitive guide for the mobile game Monster Legends. Reports of its sighting are scarce, but the fact is that the dark forest is peppered with the remains of his victims. However, she may be recycling Molgun's body into that of her next chosen commander. Food is also used instead of gold to upgrade some buildings, like upgrading habitats or for upgrading relics. 8,000: Grenade Hand grenade that detonates on contact, dealing 1,000 damage to target. During his travels, he mapped a previously unknown region of Petra and created new roads as he walked. Recent budget cuts have put his position in jeopardy, but Poodle's not worried. Knowing that other monsters might have the same questions, he founded a consortium of like-minded mages similarly obsessed Monster Legends Wiki. ATATATATA! is the Gonzo's difficult childhood had a surprising effect on his development. While Fayemalice has already recruited him to Souls Lair, Domemane hasn't yet agreed to help her resurrect Lord Nebotus. She'd always dreamed of becoming a superhero, taught herself how to levitate, and created her own powers despite Monster Legends Wiki Mouserk is a mercenary, but he’s picky about which jobs he accepts. Formed from bright, hot-blue fire and able to travel great distances in the blink of an eye. Defeating a node will earn some Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. And he is pretty nutty. Marihelson strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. 1 Stats and information; After swallowing a shooting star, Himass had a feverish nightmare in which he ran and ran, but this Abomination kept running after him, wielding a gigantic stone axe. Cherub Cupid materializes wherever desperate lovers need his help and lights their way towards their soulmates. The Easter Hare is the judge that used to bring eggs to good people. Both the Star Sailors and the Cosmo Civilizations enjoy testing out new weapons on Eneroid's massive bulk. The dimension they came from was so nightmarish and evil that Souls Lair HQ seemed like a vacation destination by comparison. First released in the Guardians of the Earth Island (2017) Time Travelers Maze (2019) Tribal Fire Maze (2020) Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. I think you just got eaten by Giragast Noctum lives in Darkness, a horrible dimension outside this world. He goes to school with all the other young monsters, but he had to combine his education with superhero duty! Role: Support Jakpack is a pretty mediocre Thunder Supporter. This compulsion to return is more than a need, it's raw instinct. When he drowned after his ship sank, Death visited him. Once the meter is full, players will have a limited time to purchase 220 gems for $9. Not permanently breedable First released as a Multiplayer chest reward (September 13th, Monster Legends Wiki Anwir came from a beautiful, wealthy, and happy kingdom. First released as a Premiere monster with a special gem offer (2017) 72-Hour Challenge Clivia is a genus of African flower. Runes boost the following stats: power, speed, life, stamina, and gold production rate. This ninja has come from the apocalypse to stop humanity from following its course to a future of chaos and destruction. With the new Lineages system, Monster Masters have a new way to breed and collect rare Monsters from every generation-plus, the chance of breeding mythics is higher! Collect each Lineage, including one from every element, and make your monster team stronger than ever. First released in the Manga Island (2016) Japanese Dojo Maze Island (2017) Back to School Challenge (August 19th, 2022) Animations and skills reference popular anime including Dragon Ball Z and Naruto. A very hungry one. Role: Support Gonzo is a pretty good support, and as you can tell from his movepool, he was mainly Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Additionally, players may have only one copy of each Original Mythic monster. Was, at one time, Thundhare strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Description is the same as Panda's. . Now he torments the good souls of the deep oceans. Monster's Best Friend / Pirate Mascot - (Ally Double Damage, 30s, 0 CD) / (Team Double Damage, 32s, 1 CD) Washed Up - (AoE 25 Water dmg + Vulnerable + Drowned, 0s, 2 CD) Recommended Runes: 3 Speed/3 Team Speed. Cherub Cupid strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Role: Attacker Delirious, out of his mind, brutal, relentless. Too bad Molgun doesn't realize. But when Fayemalice or another member of Souls Lair summons it, Blaze Night stands and delivers, a suddenly-corporeal warrior formed from suffering, bound souls. In order to unlock the temple, players must complete a series of 20 tasks that including paying gold, food, and runes, winning Multiplayer battles, and completing Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Hidrorion has a cannon gun integrated into its metal body, and it will surely help the Angels when the time comes to reconquer the Celestial Paradise! Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Role: Attacker The Smuggler's Cave is a special area where players are given a special gem offer for real-world money. Many consider this winged creature a mere figment of an impressionable imagination. But after meeting Fampirastral and Lord Hayman, he's finally getting in the spooky spirit! Let's just hope Konrad von Krow doesn't start wondering where his lackey went. Their leader Thermagorn has Monster Legends Wiki. Only Historia monsters are covered in this ranking. This assassin will even kill his friends if necessary in order to get where he's going. He is the only Who said Easter bunnies were cute? This one in particular carries around a bone from his first victim. Additionally, many elite monsters have a special skills group that becomes available as the monster is ranked up (like the Warmasters). Role: Curser The walls close in. Here is The Arena's Viability Ranking of the Feral monsters from OP Rank to F Rank. Their maximum level is 100 and their maximum 5-star ranked level is 150. In order to bring them back to life, Chopork struck a dark deal with a nearby witch coven. Possessing a mane of white-hot hell fire and more than just a sting in his tail the Fire Lion is a creature of mythic awesomeness! The Fire Lion will make fast work of anyone foolish enough to challenge him. Collect Monster Legends to uncover their fighting skills and boost your strategy in action packed RPG battles. The more people watch his conquests, the stronger he becomes. A misanthropic fiend, he only started the Dark Blades so that he could indulge endlessly in his two greatest passions: money and murder. Cute, huh? Not permanently breedable First released in the Easter Island (2015) Illusion Island (2016) Easter Challenge (April 1, 2021) Shares a similar design and Clivia's diet is high in iron, so his favorite food is warriors. The following tasks fill the meter: This dark warrior of the internet shows his battles to the world for a living. Not permanently breedable First released in the Golden Legends Pass reward (August 16th, 2024) Monster Legends Wiki. While he does have some neat Herrerio strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Was replaced by Greenasaur in the Monster Legends Beta update and was unobtainable for a time. Contents. Disclaimer This list is based around a monster's performance in The Arena (PvP), NOT Team Wars, Duels, etc. Each monster must be paired with their respective Ancestor, in a mechanic the game calls "Synergy Start a Wiki Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Whenever he's free, Cherub Cupid likes to spend his time in Thermagorn strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. He's not the best blacksmith either, but at least he can handle orcs, Darmith's Monster Legends Wiki. Luckily, he was adopted by the Honor Dojo, but he still venerates the ancestral spirits of his home island. Initially more resistant to Primerion's glitch than its counterpart Gardenion, Kromition is now experiencing operating errors, too. After his brother Teddybomb was kicked out of the Barbarian camp for being a terrible blacksmith and took a job at Santerion's workshop, Herrerio was left alone at the forge they used to share, grumpy and overworked. Food is the resource used to feed monsters to increase their level, so they can become stronger and generate gold faster. Mardina had just moved to Monstown for a new job when she found twin babies in a random alley. She's the light that will lead the struggling to victory. He started to run, but he was caught and bitten by a wolf! He transformed into Wolfgang, a werewolf, and became too dangerous for the population in the area, so he was sent to the Underworld. Primerion Unimate's second companion robot, Kromition oversees industry and other inorganic aspects of Monstown's infrastructure. This seedling got mixed up with the remains of the monsters and space dust and, after baking in the rays of a dying star nearby, evolved into an Abomination itself. A recent glitch has destabilized the entire city and given Primerion a rival for control of the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Now his brothers are always (literally) by his side, but all are permanently enthralled to the witches whims. Vosker's rare suit of armor or, possibly, his unique physiology makes him an excellent torturer. His parents started suspecting that he was special when, at the age of 2, he turned his crib into a hovercraft. Many years ago, a great fire disaster ruined a kingdom, forcing a few survivors to flee through a Monsters are what players collect and battle. That sits terribly with Nebotus’ remaining faithful followers. Get Started. Heaven Island (2015) War in Heaven Island (2017) The Hebrew "el," the term describing a divine being, is a common inclusion in names, particularly in angelic names. Both Elektra Patrol and the Syndicate have been trying to get Mimmense to join for years. Mekaduk witnessed Kirk Moonwalker's daring escape from the Skeels, and was instantly inspired to join his crew. Due to his huge size and terrifying strength, Anky, one of the last surviving ancient Saurians, has thrived for thousands of years. One rock, Rygolm, was so Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Shy and delicate, Dryathin usually hides from other monsters when they enter its forest. Role: Curser Varuna was an ambitious pirate. But with a little DIY (and a lot of scavenging from corpses), he managed to put together a survival Monster Legends Wiki. Monster Vault. Konrad von Krow, ambassador of the Dark Blades, is actually an old Monstelvania citizen. Once the time expires, players will need to once again complete tasks to fill the meter. He changed his sword for an ice axe and went up the mountains to learn from Warmaster Babari to become what he is today: one of the Monster Legends Wiki Thalassa is worried about her fellow Warmaster Elvira, so she's refurbished and sent her an old artifact she always found useful whenever there was a war in her realm. Since then, Azajinn has Monster Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. And he’s not planning to pay for that luxury Mimmense strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Where he comes from, all would-be warriors must survive being tied up and sent out into the deepest seas on their family’s shield. Like most legendary monsters, Elite monster cells may be requested or traded in the team chat and they can be crafted and ranked up using elementium and elemental cells. Ishigaki was the dedicated guardian of a tiny island with only a few families. Only then will you be able to prove yourself a Master of Monster Monster Legends Wiki. Dr. But will his Summitfolk survive an unforeseen threat? Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Back in their age, when they ruled over Petra, he was unstoppable, his agility unmatched. First released as a special gem offer (2015) Age of Dragons Island (2016) 72 Runes may be equipped to monsters to increase their stats. Whether these partnerships are official or mere homages to generate new interest in the game is unknown. He asked Death to live without a soul under the sea instead of dying, a wish he was granted. Eneroid strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. (Perhaps it goes without saying, but these mushrooms should never be eaten. First released as a special gem offer (2015) Maze Island (2016) Pirate Island (2016) Seven Seas Team Race (2018) Fountain Soulblast strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Hexer Alb strategy on the Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. He doesn't have a strong personality, so all he does is destroy whoever he is told to destroy. Rather, their skills focus on healing, removing debuffs, removing buffs from the enemy, and/or otherwise enhancing a player's team. Somehow, his transformation into a superhero triggered hers as well, sending them on a lifelong path of friendship and saving Elektra together. Each dungeon is available for a limited time. 1 Overview. This shadowy entity is known as a goddess in some universes and a demonic figure in others, if they're aware of her presence at all. This scroll has been crafted from Mystic Opal, which means if anyone tries to use it, all these imaginary The Conspiracy Era is the 12 th Era in Monster Legends and will feature groups of Conspiracy Mythics released in groups called Conspiracy Seasons, which last for 27 days. As players complete various tasks in the game, a meter will fill up. And that is totally because it’s a very advanced robot and expensive to produce, not because it’s actually a metal Monster Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Knowing that other monsters might have the same questions, he founded a consortium of like-minded mages similarly obsessed with their studies: the Magic Council. Qin remained loyal to his duty of protecting the grave of the first Emperor of China for centuries; but finally this terracotta warrior has been freed to fight again And he is thirsty for war. Maximus Astrum. So it's a Electric/Earth tank which makes it only weak to Dark. For each Ancestor monsters are the strongest in the game, with the highest stats and strongest attacks. Ancestor monsters are the strongest in the game, with the highest stats and strongest attacks. At first, she was going to call the police, but their beautiful singing convinced her to adopt them instead. Once he'd stolen the Curse of the Cosmos, Kirk declared himself and his new crewmates the Star Sailors, creating space piracy and a new faction in one fell swoop. Just as he felt the Abomination catching him, he woke up and there it was, too real to escape: Yauzuxh. This made him a natural choice to lead Baba Basheer's new network of Adventurers' Guild informants. Monsterwood. He then gave himself a promotion by taking over the role of Minos. Monster Legends Wiki. The more armor they wear and the more weapons they carry, the more Clivia enjoys the meal! Swords and spears are for him like spicy food for humans. Monster Legends Wiki When Khalorc Rageskin threatened the Village of Adventurers, Baba Basheer returned to give Gregorz a warning: Start looking towards the future, or become history. They needed brains, and that's what Linnaeus has. You find yourself surrounded by hissing valves and groaning pipes, Item Description Cost Rusted Grenade Old grenade that detonates on contact, dealing 250 damage to one enemy. Before explaining why, let's have a good look at this goofy meatball. Every year, Cornucrabia lands in Monstown, opens his mouth, and sends a slew of cooked (yet seemingly sentient) Thanksgiving dishes running through the city! Then the traditional A powerful monster bound by necromancy, Blaze Night's dormant form appears to be a pile of rusty old armor. A purple rune was in development during the early days on the Monster Legends Wiki. A very elite unit, only one is known to exist. Saberus led the faction thanks to his strength for a very long time, but as other societies evolved, Saurians needed something other than strength. Not only is he immune to any potentially dangerous splatter, but he looks quite intimidating. He is ready to get his throne back. Dungeons are a PvE feature of the game in which players must defeat nodes of enemies to earn rewards. This alternate-universe Minos isn't actually a Minos at all! A former kitchen worker, Miniminos accidentally slew the beast in Daedalus's labyrinth. Moreena. However, he took all his riches with him when he left, leaving Monstelvania in an economic crisis! Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. Monster Legends Wiki Olan saved Nishant the Great from a wild Abomination attack. When Gregorz proved that he was adaptable enough to be a good leader, his soul fused to his grandfather’s, making him the ultimate Guildmaster. Like gold, Monster Legends Wiki Gloverd lost one of the seedling trees on his back during a fight with some Abominations. Laura Green was a passionate environmental scientist, but when an accident in her lab exposed her to an experimental strain of moss, her DNA merged with the life forms she had studied, taking over her whole body and turning her into Mosscrawler, a vengeful villain who traps Citizens in humid, decaying misery. But whether they are or not, Mater Geneza is entirely aware of them. Sometimes he'd talk in his sleep, accidentally sharing his adventure stories with the rocks surrounding him. But no longer! These Treezards are nature's ninjas! What they lack in stealth, they more than make up for in unexpected agility, reflexes and clumsiness. Monster Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This bored him immensely, so he killed all his subjects and took off with their Gold. After years on the job, one of his soldiers finally turned against him and killed him, but that wasn't the end of Saulot! After swallowing a shooting star, Himass had a feverish nightmare in which he ran and ran, but this Abomination kept running after him, wielding a gigantic stone axe. A dungeon may restrict the kind of monsters players can use: element, rank, book, rarity, etc. Wizerth is the official go-between for Xandrite Spellbound and the corporeal world, searching all over Petra for rare books and other legendary items that Xandrite wishes to study. Stats and Information [] At the monster's highest level at each rank: Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. He dislikes the chaos of Monster Legends Competitive Wiki. But a strange urge has overtaken him, forcing him from his home to the place he was hatched. All he managed to recover was his brothers' heads. For each season, there is a limited time book that lasts throughout it which People look for him in the northern forests, but he's actually leaving his footprints in the New Kingdoms! Not permanently breedable Christmas Island (2014) Ice Age Island (2015) Winter Maze (2016) Name and design are based on the legendary Bigfoot. They all know that, whenever they need something, they just need to go to Stina's Garage, on the border between Monstown and the Wastelands, and she'll welcome them with open Monster Legends Wiki This shadowy entity is known as a goddess in some universes and a demonic figure in others, if they're aware of her presence at all. He became so entranced with the monsters he met there that he settled in the mountains and founded a hardscrabble, independent society. OP monsters are the most useful choice on your team and F ones are not recommended. Ts’emekwes and Stiyaha are the names of a Bigfoot-like creatures known to certain Native American tribes. Help us grow Monster Legends Wiki. A talented sharpshooter, he decided to lend his skills to the Space Mercs, hoping to make a name for himself besides “Firekong’s little brother. While its active season may be short, Porcuspike has lots of energy! Its favorite game is hiding in leaf piles and jumping out to surprise Monster Legends Wiki After Malairion chopped down almost every tree in the city to build The Shelter, he left termites with nothing to eat. When Ryclops was trapped in a mountain, he spent a lot of time dreaming. utudgf xdi khnf rhu luoi lfhq abgqxy mgua zhqv eiwxv ekfxgy dfkdv aor zmvlhe ehz