Ffxi blu macros. For example, to run missingBlueMagic.
Ffxi blu macros FFXI Basics. For keypress 8, make this macro: /blueaction “Mighty Guard” <wait. Consider only making the +3 if you are using Spharai. BGwiki does not make any mention of it. Useful in a counter build. Press the numpad + key or F key to select the Options sub-menu which has the options Copy, Paste, Delete. Description: Open and register active actions in the Blue Magic Spellbook. You will need Occultation, and Diamondhide is helpful as well. 05 (FF14). acc then you'd have more chance to land and at least some physical accuracy. To see a side by side comparison of the Empyrean sets visit Creed Sets Comparison. You will then be able to choose which macro set to restore. I then have 3 different Macros for SATA + WS, SA, and TA, possibly doing /equip swaps on TA macro once hit level 60 and obtain Assassin. From there press up or down to get the right target then use /ma "Cure IV" <t> macro to cure. Starting in haste/fastcast and swapping to SID etc. 30am so havent fully read and checked it however what i The macro command "/equipset" specifies sets of equipment that will be equipped via a single command. g. FFXI Windower Addons. A capped Blue Magic Skill is necessary to learn Spells as Blue Mage macros [Question] A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Screenshot Archived post. There's two ways to gain the ability to summon six of the eight "Celestial Avatars": a party, level uncapped "Trial by ELEMENT" versus a Lv. Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Granted, I am no career BLU, nor is my BLU even 75 but I have 3 macros for Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, and SneakAttack+TrickAttack for my Sam/Thf. MobCompass: Sebyg666: A compass to show your position relative to the target (not players) for geo and has a setup for Sneak attack. It doesn't hurt to make seperate macros for both Chain Affinity & Burst Affinity I'd think. Every book costs 200 Sparks of Eminence from the Records of Eminence NPCs. Magic bursting is rare for Blue mage, but it does affect the magic damage a little bit when you use burst affinity. The conditions for a character’s appearance to be automatically unlocked have been changed to the following The /lastsynth command works and can be used such as in the following example macro. Voidwatch consists of a series of battles against increasingly difficult NMs. I DO use macros on my BLU (99% of my game time)—lots and lots of them, even when Blue mage. There are quick spells that you can use to trigger Healing Breaths, and you have the same MP pool as RDM. Many thanks for his permission to put this on the wikipedia. Increase chance of parrying by 4 percent and increase counter damage by 4 points per rune harbored. If blue skill was much better than m. My contribution is merely a few spelling and grammatical corrections as well as a few rephrases for a guide format. One thing I need to point out is the BG enspell formula for 500+ skill stops working after 600 skill. If you want to play blue mage to its utmost, you need to put in the effort. Can be paired with the following spell to create Auto Regen combo. Feel free to donate here so I can keep making more videos!https://www. Like all things FFXI, you can and should adapt the situation at hand A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). gg/PSpvZHhfh9Final Fantasy XI OnlineBlue Mage Equipset Spell Set Armor and macroAugust 2023 0:00 Intro1:15 Idle Movement2: Monk should also macro weapon skills. Features. The execution is sequential, and can be interrupted by activating another macro during /wait commands, or by pressing the "Escape" Returning to the game after 10 years off and trying to remember how to write macros, particularly gear swaps. Chain Affinity Bonus Increases physical blue magic skillchain damage while under the effects of Chain Affinity. Especially when you hit ML10, where you get Ebullience to boost damage for your bursts. They can be purchased in It's finally here and man this took a lot out of me, and it's only part one! Hopefully the second part won't be as hard on me as this wasI'm going over Ashitacast for Mages To begin, I refer you to the Ashitacast for Melees page for the basics on Ashitacast. Anyone have a guide or suggestions on must haves is BLU only needs 40% Fast Cast in traits and gear to cap blue magic recast reduction with capped gear+magic haste and Hashishin Bazubands +3. If however the Daze effect level was capped already, you will gain only 1 Finishing Move, no matter what. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. When I first started out there wasn't a Wiki to help me out with many things I needed to know, so I relied on a Strategy Guide to help me out with things such as macros. Tops everything but the +1 for casting. I've also added job traits, since I've made a new BLU Spell master spreadsheet/checklist for learning BLU spells after being unsatisfied with any version I've found on the web. Should this be upsetting, m aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, Akin to my WHM guide, this is simply how I play paladin and explanations for players looking to learn by disciminating information from people much more intelligent than I. Execute the script in game with //lua e <script_name> (without the file extension). Contribute to AlanWarren/gearswap development by creating an account on GitHub. Commands To restore a set of macros you have saved, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R in the character select screen. Crown +3 Enhances "Penance" effect No Macro piece. With Boost, you can actually directly increase the damage done on the first hit of your WS. This is an awesome tool for setting your blue magic and also seeing what spells you still need to get. View Full Version : Blue Mage Macros. If anyone out there would be so kind as to post some of their most important macros I would appreciate it. COR is one of a very few job that fits into all 4 setup and still have the ability to contribute as a support job and DD job. You can use Sheep Song as part of a combo to create Auto Regen. List your current spells that are set without opening the menu. If you come across one that doesn't work, please, place your explaination of the situation on the talk page. The second is Gorge, which indicates that he now has access to Disgorge. 3 section of the Config submenu. I have a 10 Set macro book for SMN and dream of A Macro is a way to execute a sequence of commands that are commonly used. /equip ring1 "<gear>" /equip ring2 "<gear>" /wait 1 /<other macros> A simple TP macro would be the one that also inform your party about the weaponskill you're going to use, and I also add TP info on my provoke macros. gambits - Create actions, reactions, and more based off job Commands / Macros. Initially introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood when the job itself was introduced, it has been updated with new stages each time Blue Mage has been updated! Many of the stages act as puzzles requiring certain combinations of spells in order to be cleared, while some act as difficult encounters approaching Extreme trial difficulty! For triple shot, AM3, racc, I have separate macros as a copy of the above, but with different set in (midshot). Recommends which content is appropriate per level. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with Speaking of weird sets. When activated, greatly increases the chance that user's next spell will not be resisted. However, it may be recommended to I'm a proud BLU that always wants to sub WAR, eats red curry and hates being stuck in the mage party. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. extramacros - Allows you to set your win key and app key to activate a custom GUI macrobar/macros. ) Lvl 59 Vermillion Cloak/Royal Cloak (Auto Refresh) Lvl 67 Assault Jerkin (+Acc, +Att) Lvl 72 Enkidu's Harness Lvl 72 Errant Houppelande (+hMP, +Mnd for main healing or resting, macro in for non-blue spells) Lvl 74 Mirage Jubbah (Very, very Macro piece and high acc. PDA. Recast: 5 min. If you're a new player and haven't already read my Beginner's Macro Guide, I suggest you do so before reading any further into this one. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection Acquiring Blue Magic. Is it too fast if it goes off to pick up that midcast set? Also if it is can you show me the correct kind of macro for it? I do precast set and cast the spell then /wait 1 then the Final Fantasy XI; Must have Blue Mage Macro's? madara 15 years ago #1. These have to be bought by trading materials to Matthias. Cure Macro Palette A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). 65)] damage should be 83 plus any gifts and merits (121 for mastered and 5/5 merits), but in game 641 skill equals 82 base damage. Players may lock in their equipment appearance by registering an equipment set, selecting it, and then choosing Style Lock. In this guide I will cover the pros and cons of this combination, the things to remember and armor and weapon choices, the best uses for this and some tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of Blue Mage: BLU has tons of potential, too. Why is this? Also, this guide could easily encompass Club Weapon Skills by simply shrinking the table to 50% and making two columns. Geomancy, Handbell Skill--Indi-Regen - This will start the Geomancy magic cycle. Spells are set up within a point system customized to the players particular needs for Job Traits and utility purposes alike. Gear Change! Macro and equip the correct balanced gear (both in Stats and Accuracy) when casting a Physical Blue-Magic. Once you have the NPC highlighted, hit enter and the macro will continue. These books were implemented in the December 2013 Version Update as a way to assist adventurers in raising their skill levels. xml are straight forward, and are noted with comments. For Macro/swap-in wear: · Lv. For example, to run missingBlueMagic. Enables the casting of Meteor, if the spell has been learned. At 641 going by the formula Floor[(400/3098)(Skill+3. About FFXI Wiki; As preface, this information comes entirely from the blog of Erecia of Sylph, writer of the famous For Glory guide to Chains of Promathia. Depending on the category of the icon used, it may display additional information on your hotbar as well. The idea to use tp bonus on blu spread over after my post about it in blu thread but in my head it poped few months ago exactly because i saw tp bonus offhanf theorycrafting in dnc thread. Plus macros for WS of course. For example, if I'm in light arts in the Starter set or a Spell Set and I use in the lines of code are: It is really bad to use macros for battle skills, except maaybe for off-GCD skills, when the macro helps you targeting faster like a macro for Aetherial Manipulation does. weaponskills and spells, should not be assigned to a macro, because it will cause a delay when executing the macro and ultimately result in lost casts over the course of an encounter. It allows you to then tab and select the NPC (in our case a mob). Crafting Bonus Items Unless the Daze effect level has reached the cap (currently level 10) already, each successful Step grants you 2 Finishing Moves and wielding a Terpsichore adds 1 Finishing Move on top of that for a total of up to 3 Finishing Moves per Step. E. Ffxiah has a blu guide “the beast within” that lists spellsets that are useful Taken from an Allakhazam post All credits go to Buzzltyear To begin, here is a short explanation of what each command means in the macros. Notes. I will work on adding any information I link to as its own article, with FFXI Game Related; Race & Job Type Q & A; Blue Mage; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Replaces Levels 1-99 sections of the Quickstart 1-119 Guide Group 2 Name Description Battuta: Increases the likelihood of parrying and deals counter damage after parrying dependent upon harbored runes. In the ffxi Scholar. Layout By: Chrisjander (Ifrit) See also: Blue Renkei The Blue Mage community is one of the most active job communities as of late, and of course this ends up leading to a lot of questions, many of which have answers already. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. The Level 100 Gear Macros assume that you have a minimum of CP+7 melded to all Accessories, Legs and Feet. lua, you would type: Join the Discord: https://discord. Subcommand 2: set "blue mage action" off Removes the specified blue mage action from the list of active actions in the current set. Hold Ctrl or Alt to see your macro bars, or L2/R2 for controllers. This guide assumes you are mastered, maxed Blue Mage Notes * Requires the setting of appropriate spells to receive the trait. --Fire Threnody - This will start the BRD Singing/Wind/String skill cycle on selected <t>. The monster must use the ability during combat. You will notice a purple(ish) arrow on an NPC. If I recall correctly, it started here [September 16 - Page 57]: Blue mage is probably the most versatile job in the game, but it requires you to dedicate time and effort into it. Macros may be simple to make, but if you want to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This performs the same action as talking to the alter ego and selecting Dismiss. There, you'll learn how to start using Ashitacast. Nyame alone assumes Rank 25 Path B. Simply have a macro ready to do just that when it goes off. "Blue Mage" or BLU, since the space messes up the macro. You will notice a bar appears at the top of the screen, 10 on the CTRL line assuming the BLU has 2000 max HP a cure bomb from PLD (no clue how how much a PLD can cure for, probably needs 2-3 casts of Cure IV i assume?)should generate about ~470 Cumulative Enmity and ~2820 Volatile Ashitacast for Melees. Final Fantasy XIV Contents Utilizing the /macroicon command, you can use specific icons to represent your user macros. Remember that we have a cool Template:User Page. Subcommand 1: set "blue mage action" on Set the specified blue mage action as an active action in the current set. Currently I have 3 sets, BLM/SCH BLM/WHM and BLM/RDM, all under the BLM book. I usually have: /p {Dragoon} {Double Thrust} TP <tp> and /provoke <st> Help on writing the macros "Switch" Is a macro which will use the alter art and send you to the starter set for that art and is alway on Alt+1. 5 seconds A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. From the Blue Magic page on the wiki: The accuracy of magical blue magic spells and additional effects of spells is also based on blue magic skill. BLU also triggers Healing Breath at 50% HP. Completely forgot Avatars. Currently only works as blu main. Please I have been gearing my Red Mage again after losing macros, and by accident, found this thing where Gain spells have a duration cap of exactly 30 minutes. Paste will Puts all enemies within range to sleep. s NQ at least, surprisingly Carbonara seems to out perform or at least equal to behemoth steak if attack is not capped. I notice that some of your references are in white, and they are listed multiple times. Gaiters +3: Yes Used for Footwork up in tp and WS sets Hes. ** Requires the 100 or 1,200 Blue Mage job gift. Anyway, swap gear macro can be performed consecutively. Azuresets is pretty mandatory for BLU spells. com/BrixyXIToday's video is one I've been wanting to do for weeks now but Blue Mage Spell Information Description Restores HP for the target party member. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Cyclas +3 Enhances "Formless Strikes" effect No Macro piece. Reason I use wait commands before my headpiece is because In some of my macros I switch to a royal cloak, and if you try to macro straight into a new head and body piece when you've been wearing a hooded cloak it tends to only switch in one piece. To determine BLU traits, I used the spell list labeled "Zahak Reborn" from the FFXIAH BLU guide. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Now let go of that button and go edit them under "Macros" in the - menu. <stnpc>: Allows you to select an NPC. BRD Singing/Wind/String Skill--Fire Carol - This will start the BRD Singing/Wind/String skill cycle. Some FFXI Auction House Online. The format for this command is /macroicon "icon name" [category], with the default category being Action. I mostly offhand the Str/atk Shikarghar, yeah. Most come with rebinds for F9 to toggle your weapon (e. Check it out! (For Windower Users) Today's Posts; Mark Channels Read; Member List; Calendar; Forum; FFXI Game Related; Race & Job Type Q & A; Blue Mage; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. ObiAway: Reaper X Exploring FFXI. BLU is, in my opinion, by far-and-away the absolute best subjob a RUN can use in a tanking situation. They allow you to perform these actions more quickly than manually searching for spells, abilities etc. I stick the FC set in before the spell then have the macro change back to tp once the spell starts if it doesn't need blu skill or anything. Same with Autocontrol for pup attachments. 5 /ja "Trick Attack" <me> Goal: To efficiently level up Blue Mage while also gathering all of the many spells a BLU can learn, thus you may notice that each camp will have new Blue Magic to pick up on your way to the never-ending road of the next level. With Master Levels allowing access to Blue Magic spells from Levels 50~59, at Master level 10, those caps increase to 16 spells and 35 New Player Leveling Guide. Master JP is a pretty big deal, all the passive defensive/offensive stats alone, as well as more spell freedom/higher traits do make a pretty huge difference for blu. Voidwatch was originally designed for levels 90 to non-iLevel 99 and has a very loose questline associated with it (see Voidwatch Blue Magic Skill--Pollen - This will start the Blue magic cycle. Look I know there is some commotion after recent events, suddenly everyone feels like pointing their fingers to the others to feel like the purest *** in the whorehouse but this is a windower section and dude has a question regarding to windower. While the accuracy of physical blue magic spells is instead based on the weapon accuracy of the mainhand weapon as well as a player's DEX and Accuracy. Reduces both spell casting time, and the recast time. Selecting “Static” will lock the character’s appearance. I keep those particular macros active on two different lists since I macro all Quick Draws to the seecond list. Blue Mage offers strong physical defense through the spell Cocoon as well as an array of enmity generating spells to keep the monster(s) focused on you. My SATA + WS macro looks like this and doubles as my pre-charge SATA macro as well: /ja "Sneak Attack" <me> /wait 1. Some spells are useful, some aren’t, some are useful at certain levels, but lose their usefulness, others are always useful. Probably the most useful support job overall for Black Mage. See the main All Jobs Gear Sets page for details on how each set was determined. . Blue Mages may learn special abilities (known as Blue Magic) used by the monsters they defeat. So when haste is about to go down hit the buff line macro hit haste and vice versa. If you use windower, save yourself macro space by selecting alliance members with Alt or Ctrl + F1-F6 hot keys. I'm going to link it here. Each macro is limited to using 15 commands and is not capable of starting another macro. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final These macros will allow you to craft every item between level 91-100 as of Dawntrail Patch 7. #FFXIV #BlueMage Blue Mage. As I suggested in the previous guide, I would read this guide before joining an experience points Lvl 58 Magus Jubbah (+HP, +MP, +Str, +Dex, Blue Magic Skill +15. 3> /targetenemy No, what Armando posted was all one macro. Round 3 of BLU Spells, as well as the increase of level cap to 70, will be all A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Path C could see some use as a macro piece for activating Chain Affinity and Burst Affinity, but the extremely steep price tag on the weapon, as well as the increasing We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Most Odyssey equipment assumes Rank 30. Wanting to clean my BLM macros up and make better use of the sets in the book. The mosquitos/beetles in Reisinjima are great for cleaving. If you have 3 different capes on BLU, 2 in inventory, 1 in Mog Wardrobe Using the below macro /equip "Rosmerta's Cape" back will result in a randomly selected cape from either your inventory or Wardrobe. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final Fantasy XI R mobile project. It could also be useful to Swift Blade but I'm not sure about that one yet. Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Related Guides. Parsimony allows for greater MP management, Alacrity allows for more rapid -ja accumulation or recast spells such as Death or Comet for targets weak to our limited dark nukes, and Manifestation allows you to This is a list of the best macros that allow you to do multiple actions with one button in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail 7. This will probably come easiest to PC users who are accustomed to using the keyboard and code. Trusts can be dismissed (only when the party leader does not have a drawn weapon) with the commands /returnfaith, /refa, /returntrust or /retr - by default they dismiss the targeted Trust alter ego; using the subcommand all dismisses all Trusts. Using correct spell (spell that the monster is weak to). This guide was created to explain which spells are the most useful, when to use certain spells, and so forth. Without having any knowledge on BLU at all I'd assume: The Style Lock category can be found to the Edit Equipment Set section of the Macros submenu. RNG between Archery and Marksmanship, PLD between Almace and Burtgang). ; Very useful for landing emergency spells such as Sleep or Silence. If you use the below macro /equip "Rosemerta's cape" back 1 This will tell the macro to only select the cape from your Mog Wardrobe. Equipsets and Macros Links Idle TP JA HP Down Cure 3 Cure 4 Shield Skill / Shadows Down Flash/Utsusemi Fire Resist The 30 accuracy and 70 hp is likely more valuable than a small weapon skill damage increase, unless you are 100% certain you are accuracy capped. NQ is fine for the the Penance effect. Changes as of March 2015 A category for locking/unlocking character equipment appearance has been added to the Misc. B) Line 388 -- equip({head="Maculele Tiara +1", left_ear="Ishvara Earring"}) If you use Rudra's Storm, with Climactic Flourish active, it will automatically equip Maculele Tiara +1 and Ishvara Earring. Equipviewer* is pretty great, helps you see odd gear swap behavior in real time, makes debugging easier. Other FC pieces fill the needed amount, and BLU has better precast body options that are also useful for other purposes. The Blue Magic spell can be learned 27 or less Blue Magic Skill levels below the skill cap of the Spell's Job Level. The torque would do me nicely,I dont use spellcast so I was hoping to do it without swapping out any haste pieces,although I am completely revamping my BLU macros since I had to reinstall ffxi over the weekend so maybe I'll have even more detailed macros this time. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Here's a bunch of things to keep in mind: BLU has the benefit of double Haste spells between Erratic Flutter and Mighty Guard that you typically don't need assistance from other jobs, even Trusts, although having a March mixed in can help make up the remaining % missing haste when you don't have Mighty Guard up. You get another blue arrow focused on the mob, hit enter when you're ready to do your WS. So you hit the macro, hit enter when you're ready to use the JA on yourself. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied Questions and Suggestions []. If this isn't the right place for it, feel free to move it. All Final Fantasy XIV Guides. Fairly new to the game and I notice outside provoke and pollen macros I could stand to learn some good blue oriented ones. In FFXI, there are primarily 4 different setups depending on DD type: pet setup, melee setup, mage setup and ranged setup. In this video I explain the basics of how skillchains work in Final Fantasy 11. Automatically switches Macro Book and Page according to job changes. Spell macros are tough with default gearsets if you really want to push pre/mid cast The macros they have seem a little confusing, but it looks like they have a summon macro (which includes "Assault. Yeah that was my first take but I wanted to make sure Blue skill or DEX wasn't magically weighted weird. Here though, i have 3 macros to return to combat, based on my subjob. Includes game installation through level 99 player guidance. In Final Fantasy XIV Blue Mage's spells work differently and if you want to make some macros you're going to need to do a few things first. e. = not available in launcher, acquired from github. Those familiar with setting their Blue Magic spell list may already know this but it's worth mentioning that you only are able to set 14 spells or a total of 30 points (whichever comes first) as a Level 49 /BLU. Reply reply Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). The <st> set of target items give you a blue arrow and wait for you to hit enter to confirm before moving to the next line in the macro. Available Level 58 Type Cure MP Cost 72 Cast Time 3. Disgorge FFXI Trust Macro Example. solves the problem of accidentally hitting AoE macros. > Final Fantasy XI > FFXI: Everything » Blue Mage Macros. BLU ; DRK; Pre-November 2021 Update, these subjobs are commonly used. You can even have a macro that puts you to the line you want you don't need to scroll up or down. This part covers the weapon skills and AoE burning sections I had to tak The very best spells to combine sneak attack with are as follows: At lower levels, Mandibular Bite and Sickle Slash, at mid-levels, Death Scissors and Dimensional Death, then at endgame: Cannonball and Vertical Cleave. Contribute to Icydeath/ffxi-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. THIS GUIDE IS FOR PLD/BLU IN CB, NO OTHER REAL SITUATIONS. Many of these advanced XMLs are tailored to their creator’s needs, play styles, and their characters, thus your’s will most likely be very different than their’s. To go through the effort of making macros you should first learn to back up work. When you use Sneak Attack with a spell, you’ll want to macro in ALL your STR gear (with the exception of Cannonball). Save blue magic sets and reapply them via the spellset command. Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. At the initial levels of gaming it may not be essential to have macro sets, but as you go it is imperative. If you don't macro it it, you'll find over time that your damage does decrease, for obvious reasons. Immediately go into your maximum Damage Taken -% set when you see this and get ready. Take advantage of skill ups over natural recipe caps. I was looking at Machulele Casaque +3 and was interested in what weaponskills that 70% crit + forced double attack might be worth it on. To find your macros, try holding the CTRL or ALT key. They can oddly enough land Geist wall, cold wave, Filamented Hold, and Frightful roar with reliable accuracy, giving them access to some potentially unusual spell effects. This category has the same effect as the /lockstyle commands. This keeps those macros accessable at all times. Personally I don't even use a /wait macro like that, though to each his own. 1. This fancy thing-a-ma-bob allows you to design your own semi-flexible user page! While it may seem daunting, all it really takes is typing something in or copy pasting A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Skill Up Books is a collective term that refers to items that increase a character's Skills in Combat and Magic use. Anch. BLU provides access to some very niche debuffs, and scholar has the magic accuracy necessary to land them in certain situations. 3> For keypress 9, make this macro: /blueaction “Basic Instinct” <wait. And it got me thinking about Raging Fists with Karambits. Increase damage by 2. <t>: Macro Contribute to Icydeath/ffxi-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. The code uses the Introduction. To begin, I refer you to the sample XMLs page that contains a few relatively advanced XMLs for each class that you can use as a reference. Of course, I am only achieving this with Composure active. Taking your craft to 110 level skill is possible, but you will have challenges as this is a level 75 capped server, and many of the materials post skill cap 100 are not available. to The key to playing any job well rests in using your macros books and macros sets. 12-12-2014, 03:29 AM. For the 30k MB damage, you are better off self SCing the non-BLU way, with weak This article is a compilation of the information gathered on the Blue Mage (BLU) job and useful tips and tricks for the job. The guide for soloing Blue Mage is already written down to some extent, solely based on the spells and level requirements, with few exceptions. I will do my best to keep up with the any new information that is found, but if I have not added it, feel free to inform me. A Macro is a shortcut to execute a sequence of one to six commands, each of which can be used to activate a Job Ability, start casting a spell, issue a pet command, change an item of equipment, put text to a chat channel, or perform some other action. I've also included some information on BLU-specific macros, quests, gear, etc. To see a side-by-side comparison of the Item Level 109 Welcome to this Intermediate level macro guide. Not a major priority. BLU: What You Probably Didn't Know A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Part Two is finally done, and it's the (sort of, maybe?) final part of the guide. Have one for just your average, run of the mill spell set, one for breaths and 1k needles along with a few Blue Mage Solo Skillchains. Macroing summoner effectively is an interesting challenge. Item Search BG-Wiki Search + Reply to Thread. 0/5~5/5 Equipment swaps for SATA, takes up one Macro for just the /equips. Checking spreadsheet rq, For melee COR and NQ v. 10 levels down. My blu is pretty basic, more so back when I would solo omen on it, outside of nuke gear which is fairly good. BUT I also own a 2/4 Khadga Fusion= Red lotus blade -- Dimensional Death- Burst Bomb Toss -fireImpaction= Brainshaker -- Dimensional Death- Burst Blitzstrahl -LightningGravitation= Red Copying a Macro Set. To copy a macro set (one of the groups of 20 Macros within a Macro book): Start editing a macro book. You My first three Ctrl line macros are (1) /range (2) pulling notification macro (3) TP Status My first three Alt line macros are (1) Double-Up (2) Sharpshot (3) WS Macro. My self skillchain macros are on a different macro page, away from my other macros so I don't accidentally hit it and start a skillchain at the wrong time. A person who works hard on BLU can make it a great sub. Increase accuracy by 5, ranged accuracy by 5, evasion by 5, and magic defense by 5. 3> /blueaction “Mighty Guard” <wait. Before you continue reading here, I'll assume you've read the Ashitacast for melees and A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Was thinking of using some macros to maybe reduce some of the clutter or make things Addon to make setting blue spells easier. This is a simple guide on making macros for White Mage. That's still 1 too many, so here's a macro. The ----- in the echo line is A user asks how to set up a macro for Blue Mage self-skillchain with Chain I'm <3in Blue Mage but if there's one thing I can't stand about it is constantly swapping spells Hello, I recently began playing FFXI again and have mostly been playing on my Wanting to clean my BLM macros up and make better use of the sets in the book. The aim is to further expand your knowledge on the different ways macros can be used in FFXI. For any of the Windower scripts, place them in the scripts sub-directory in your program files. Most of these . Players may select which equipment set they would like to have displayed by using the /lockstyleset [equipment set number] command. Hes. I have a Chain Affinity Macro, a Burst Affinity macro, a SA macro, and macros for spells, which I change depending on what's set. SAM, DRK or BLU Blue Mage: Quite possibly one of the most solid support jobs Paladin can sub. Book is the actual Macro Pallet you use for each job(20 in FFXI), Pallet is the 10 options within that book. I did mean Cornflower because it has 15 blue skill 15 macc plus dex acc and int. Macros have their own "fun" syntax. I wasn't aware that any enhancing spells had a hard cap on their durations. "Fusi/Fire". Blue Mage Spell Information Description Increases own defense, magic defenses, and attack speed, and gradually restores own HP. -- Chrisjander t / c 20:48, 2 August 2007 (CDT) I found your guide at 2. It is possible to register 100 different equipment sets, with A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Recast reduction is half of the cast time reduction, rounded down to the nearest whole percentage. I use the following to keep me alive when I farm BLU Spells. However, Elemental Seal does not bypass enfeeble immunities (if the message "completely resists the spell" appears) My name is Lide and I am a 61 White Mage/Black Mage (as of 9/2008 approx) on the Diabolos server. In the current meta game, where BLM and SMN are kings of DD for most events, PLD still has a place in almost all content endgame. Free Trial; Character Creation; Jobs; Records of Eminence; Trust Magic; Food; Transportation; Experience Points; Merit Points; Stats & Combat. Note that /macroicon can also be shortened to /micon with no change in A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. With the proper gear, spells, and knowledge of the job, BLU is arguably the strongest DD in the game right now. The dual elemental spells are pretty much a requirement for cleaving these mosquitos unless you want What are Macros? Macros in FFXI are a set of pre-written commands that tell your character to perform actions. This guide was created with the intention of informing aspiring Blue Mages of the usefulness of spells at different levels. Dedekind. 60 Prime Avatar; and a solo, level 20 capped "Trial-Size Trial by ELEMENT" versus a A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Useful for doing the Dwarf beast tribe quests if your jobs are level 80 already. I've also included basic information on BLU-specific macros and quests, to help save ffxi gearswap lua's - ARCHIVED. You have to wait for the whole current GCD to finish before you can activate them, this leads to a delay between your skills and you Great guide so far. You can use any class, not I've made a new BLU Spell master spreadsheet/checklist for learning BLU spells after being unsatisfied with any version I've found on the web. buymeacoffee. Crafting an item 10 levels below your current level can now be HQ in 2 easy steps. For EVERYTHING else, use PLD/NIN, PLD/WAR, or some other accepted combination for whatever you're doing. To see a side by side comparison of Artifact/Relic sets visit Paladin Artifact/Relic Sets Comparison. Merit your “Potency of Physical Blue-Magic”. Using /thf for guarantee landing of attacks and for Critical Hit with spell. The introduction of i. FFXI Auction House Online. Combat Skills; /macro set 2 /macro set 3 /macro set 4 /macro set 5 /macro set 6 /macro set 7 /macro set 8 /macro set 9 /ma Stun <t> Alt: Debuffs: Buffs: Bind: Sleep II Apart from the macro mentioned earlier, youll have to make 3 more macros that will take up spots in your hotbar or key presses:8,9, and 0. This page will be an extension of that page, focused on functions applicable for casters. For tanking Puppetmasters, using sub blue mage, this is a 100% required 5/5 to maximize the amount of hate you feed your pet Fine-Tuning: Grants a bonus to your automaton's accuracy, ranged accuracy, evasion, and magic defense. 54 Dancer's Tiara - Your AF Head peice. Back to Front. Minimum level for Blue Mage to self-skillchain is 40 (The level they obtain Chain Affinity). I’d go crazy without it- it seems like something that should be built into the game. Macros have uses during combat but they should be used cautiously or it will be detrimental to your output. Any actions on the global cooldown (GCD), i. Most of these battles take place in locations that already exist in present and past-day Vana'diel, with the final few battles taking place in a new area called Provenance. Nostrum: trv: Creates a click-able onscreen macro to help avoid targeting issues while curing. Thibron (TP Bonus +1000) was enabled for all sets. The reason is that macros don't queue. Is quick magic gear worth it in a precast set? I am just not sure if it is because of the speed of the cast and moving onto the next macro for the midcast set. Healing Breeze Area of Effect is centered around caster. The macros are named so I can quickly see the element and the skillchain at a glance, ex. Notes/Description []. With this feature, players may change multiple pieces of equipment at once. A typical macro for a Weapon Skill will look like this: /ja "Boost" <me> /wait 1 /ws "Weapon Skill" <t> Blue Mage* Sets. When you use the addon to equip a certain set a timers-based timer is displayed to let you know when your spells are ready. Available Level 99 Type Magical MP Cost 299 MP Cast Time 3. I go through the elements of level 1, level 2 and level 3 skillchains and wal Job Overview JP1 - Unlocked upon expending 100x Job Points See Paladin Skill Caps for a by-level breakdown of Weapon Skill limits. As to how long you wait before putting idle on, depends on your snapshot but I think 1 second is probably enough with capped snapshot set. 5 Seconds Unbridled Learning Recast Time 30 seconds Target Self Range Stat Bonus Enhancement Effect: Haste Defense Boost Magic Defense Boost Regen Duration: 3 PLD is the easiest and, arguably, one of the most effective tanks in FFXI 75 pre-Atonement era. If you're a Black Mage and you want a macro to cast Stone on the currently targeted enemy, the macro would read: /ma "Stone" <t> That's: /ma for "use Magic" In this repository you will find a collection of AshitaCast XMLs that I use on Nocturnal Souls. ; Blue Mage must be set as main job. I have a 10 Set macro book for SMN and dream of FINAL FANTASY XI Forum > English Forums > Jobs > Blue Mage > Blue Mage Macros. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Windower4/scripts. " I guess the reason for that is usually the Summoner is in the back row, so using the Assault command pushes him closer to the enemy), a release macro, and a damage macro for each summon. Sometimes it makes sense to stack 'em, other times you're better off keeping them seperate for a reason. Hello, I recently began playing FFXI again and have mostly been playing on my blue mage. There are many many combinations you can use to adjust to specific situations. NQ is fine for Voidwatch. The article will link to information on the job within FFXIclopedia. If you save all of your current macros in Storage Slot A, you can then rewrite all 10 sets in anyway you choose and back them up in Storage Slot B. I definitely found the use of a macro book for BLU to itself was helpful, with different macro sets based on different situations. Re: How to skillchain Blue Magic! There's tons of self-SC's you can do, don't limit yourself to just one. pokauxt ufxe cjmq zxrgatj ywunsv ukbrect oboy rhugmh lmz dqfh sgfrcq muzvl iblatxc iwwpf lrapobd