Erratic idle motorcycle. Motorcycles; Related Question.

Erratic idle motorcycle Goes from 1/4 throttle to nothing. i forget where it was, but i was reading about checking the intake boots and spraying wd40 to see if the idle changed. Note: This was posted somewhere within this forum, I decide to post it separately, so people could find it easily. Huskynoobee CH Sponsor ZipTy Racing. 8K views 8 replies 7 participants last post by ducman123 Jun 30, 2011. The RPM would not stay stable. Nov 20, 2011 · Erratic idle. This behavior can make riding unsafe. erratic idle 05 Aug 2006 23:47 #67409. I've checked most everything, and haven't found any issues. The ECU is programmed for a specific idle rpm if your motorcycle has an electronic fuel injector. ballbearian Veteran Member. Discover essential tools, step-by-step instructions on inspecting the throttle cable, checking for vacuum leaks, and adjusting the idle speed. Honda FireBlade 96 900rr erratic idle great for him but he didnt know if it had been jetted . By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your Mar 6, 2024 · This issue is a momentary erratic idle that fluctuates between 1000-2500 rpm wildly and then settles down after it figures things out. ps One should be careful about purchasing an aged water cooled motorcycle . 55,000 110cvo. I cleaned it and the slide doesn't look worn. Share More sharing options Followers 0. The engine is not slow to return to idle, it has a nice tan plug, and good throttle response even from this low idle. Any thoughts. By carefully checking the filter installation, cleaning key components like the MAF sensor and throttle body, and inspecting for vacuum leaks, you can restore smooth idling. Valves in tolerance (just) last time I checked. It would run fine then die at a stop. If you’re noticing that your RPM are constantly going up and down, even when you’re not accelerating, it’s likely that you have a bad idle air control valve. Anyone have any ideas? Nov 25, 2022 · The idle is erratic hanging around 2,500 with a throttle blip then settling down and stalling or with a throttle blip it might settle to a 2k idle. Reactions: Huskynoobee. Question Hi. Can quite get it to purr. 75 turns, 22. When this happens it will hesitate/ bog down as I take off and when I switch gears. The idle will change between 1500 rpm to 1000 rpm and back up constantly. Jump to Latest After the bike warms up it will intermittently when I stop the idle will kick up to around 1500 rpm. Starts fine, then idles at a set speed, then suddenly will randomly rev up to - Answered by a verified Motorcycle Mechanic Motorcycle. Nov 12, 2024 · A weak motorcycle battery can cause idle issues. Low voltage leads to unusual running problems, especially in fuel-injected models. Connect one-on-one with {0} who will answer your question. Happy Memorial Day. Jump to Latest 2. YUFANYA 46PCS 1/4 inch Drive Socket Set,Metric Ratchet Wrench Set with 4-14mm CR-V Sockets,S2 Bits,Extension Bars,Mechanic Tool Kits for Household Auto Repair Auscour  · Discussion Forum: erratic idle 1994 GL1500se • GL1500 Information & Questions • The premier web site for Goldwing technical information, DIY tutorials and community discussion Motorcycle: 1994 gl1500se. Post Reply. com. This has continued to slowly get worse such that it will occasionally slow down to the point that it dies. Stalling: Your bike might stall at stoplights or in traffic. New plug but erratic idle 05 Aug 2006 23:47 #67409. Share More sharing options Followers 3. May 31, 2021 · General Motorcycle Related Erratic Idle. At idle there is a +/- needle width oscillation of the tach needle. Your bike may idle too high or too low. With practical troubleshooting tips, you’ll be back on the road with optimal RPM May 31, 2024 · One more question: have you obtained your motorcycle endorsement? Reactions: Gwandesforde and ancientdad. Has had me a little bothered now for a while as the Beta 4 strokes don't flame out. 5 pilot jet and stock main. Jan 14, 2016 · The idle is slightly erratic, it jumps between 1300 and 1500 revs. Inspect the spark plugs for fouling or wear, replace them if needed. Post by Apr 26, 2009 · Now very slowly, open the fuel screw till the idle is smooth. I am having trouble adjusting the air screw because of the erratic idle. No green guck anywhere in the carb. Tuffers Discussion starter 19 posts · Joined 2011 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 Feb 5, 2010 · It starts great, but once it warms up and I take off the choke, the idle is erratic. B. (cleaned idle and pilot jet prior to this) Dec 25, 2008 · Firstly hi all, not posted before but have been around for a while. secondly, at between 3k to 6k rpms at any gear erratic yung power. When the TPS malfunctions, your bike may experience hesitation or a delay in Oct 13, 2018 · My erratic idle is not when starting bike. Flint McCormick. Honda VTX 1800 Forums. Also whilst crusing below 2,500 revs the bike judders slightly and it is very annoying when filtering through traffic . Come join the discussion about performance, racing, modifications, classifieds, maintenance, and more! Show Less . When it idles at 1100rpm it sounds almost like a piston is knocking until throttle is applied. 2011 GSA 83,000 miles. However, like any machine, motorcycles require regular maintenance to ensure they run smoothly. 977K posts 134K members Feb 16, 2013 · The Honda VTX Motorcycle Forums. Greetings all Recently had some idling issues with my bike and would like to get some opinions as to probable Jul 13, 2008 · Simple problem I know, but it seems the choke was sticking shut and the idle was screwed up as a result. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, 5 days ago · A broad range of problems can cause rough idling in a motorcycle engine. nanghihina then normal nanghihina then normal. . On the ride home the idle was erratic and would backfire through exhaust. Apr 28, 2019 · Got a DRZ125 that either won't idle OR it idles way too high. If left unchecked, a clogged air filter can be enough to cause a Harley-Davidson motorcycle not to idle. I will say that our bikes, as old as they are, could probably use a throttle body sync. Cleaning it didn't change symptoms at all. Suzuki GP125 Suzuki GSX600F Suzuki SV650S KTM EXC250F SkyTeam Bongo 125 My YouTube channel: https Jun 22, 2011 · Ducati Motorcycle Forums. Motorcycle Sputtering During Idle. It Oct 19, 2022 · I caused an erratic idle by attempting to lower the idle speed from 2000, After loosening the stop screw bolt and the stop itself. I just replace the ignition module with a new one. This season after taking it out of storage (bowl was drained, fuel stabilized) It started with no issue, and idled fine, but after returning to idle when Jun 8, 2015 · erratic idle. Swinefahrt, Apr 5, 2016 #1. If your bike won’t idle without revving the throttle while starting the bike, use your choke! The choke is a device that limits air from entering the carburetor, creating a more fuel-rich mixture that helps your bike through Jan 26, 2016 · It basically seemed like there was a fast idle kicking in and then it would kick down to a regular idle. Tacomas (2016-2023)' started by 2strokeTater, Mar 14, 2025 at 5:06 PM. Light Mode (Default) Dark Mode . It's like your bike's got a mind of its own, revving up or dropping RPMs without any Jan 26, 2024 · One of the most frequent culprits behind a hanging idle is the build-up of grime: Dirt and debris can obstruct the proper air-fuel mixture from being delivered to your engine, causing an erratic idle. Jump to Latest Bike runs great except it tends to idle high and, I would say, surges at idle. Do your research thoroughly. Honda Motorcycles ; CRF150F/L, CRF230F/L & CRF250F ; Erratic idle problem Theme . I put the originals on after they told me it would correct the problem of the erratic idle and he said don`t waste your money on the Vance & Hines fuelpak They also told me that they could remap it if I kept the Vance & Hines on but without I have a 2013 kx250f, I had just rebuilt the top end with a about 6 hours on it now. Normal idle speed ko 1. Jetted at 172-nmgu 3rd clip, 42 pilot. So there it ismy mystery. 693 Views 0 Replies 1 Participant Last post by 79batmobile, Oct 6, 2005 Jump to Latest 7. so could my bad idle Oct 31, 2021 · Erratic idle on new (to me) GT. With a heart that beats in sync with the roar of bike engines, he has spent years Aug 29, 2023 · Bad Idle Air Control Valve. Could disconnect throttle cables at carb end -- needle-nose pliers may prove helpful -- then increase throttle manually by hand, with throttle cables disconnected, allowing the carb spring to pull the throttle closed (free of any resistance Oct 12, 2007 · I have a 2004 CRF250X that starts fine but will not idle consistently. 8K views 13 replies 8 participants last post by Dr. Once the choke was fixed, it still would not run. Sep 22, 2010 · ZX-6R All Model Years. May 7, 2024 · Motorcycles are a great way to get around, offering a sense of freedom and adventure that few other vehicles can match. 99 $19. Steadies at about 3,000 rpms. Dec 23, 2006 · The thing runs like a champ except I can not get it to maintain a good consistant idle. After making the carb modifications last season, the bike ran super. 2015 CVO Street Glide. Looked simple but now the idle searches terribly. During idling the motorcycle is at a steady low rpm. I appreciate it. 09 Softail C Discussion starter. when i bought the bike it wouldnt idle without choke on and had erratic idle. Blip the throttle, let the bike return to an idle, wait say ten seconds. 🔧 Motorcycle Repair 🔧. Confirm it is the same smooth idle. It's like your bike's got a mind of its own, revving up or dropping RPMs without any input from you. If you don't have a shop manual, get one from Honda. Fully charge the battery. Specialities include: eBay Motors, Motorcycle. when I pull the hand brake, the idle picks up, the gauge lights and the headlight all get brighter (but it is still not a full/normal idle). Discussion on V-Twin Harley Davidson motorcycles including Dyna, Electra Glide, Softail, Sportster, and more. The jetting is Feb 16, 2013 · Erratic idle on KZ1000 15 Feb 2013 21:34 - 16 Feb 2013 07:14 #572593. Pure speculation on my part but I bet I'm right. Throttle cable looks good. Ever since it’s been rebuilt it won’t idle right (it idled fine before rebuild) it’s starts well (valves aren’t in spec) but if I give it throttle it’ll idle at about 1800rpm and eventually it’ll make its way dow Mar 5, 2025 · I was working on a 2018 CRF110. Jump to Latest 3. Joined: Apr 8, 2002 Oddometer: 1,030 Location: Trou Du Cul, Tick's Ass. But then if I rev it up the idle will settle way up high, then slow down and stall. $14. W/ timming light and/or obd reader the timming is not constant moves from 5 deg to 22 deg the engine is new about 700. The bike started right up every time, a little choke, then a nice smooth (although loud) idle. In EFI engines, the ECU controls the air-fuel ratio to maintain the correct idle rpm. Cracked rubber on the intake boots, cracks where the boots joins the airbox, idle and air Apr 29, 2017 · - Increase idle to 1500, this just increased the frequency of the rough patch. The best way to determine if your idle air control valve is the issue is to check Mar 2, 2014 · erratic idle. 2006 VN500 LTD SOLD A forum community dedicated to Kawasaki Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Right now the main issue is that it will start and the idle will suddenly drop and usually die. Carb was cleaned. Please help! I've done almost everything Suzuki gsx750 inazuma rough/erratic idle. No leaks on intake boot but sprayed carb cleaner on top throttle cable boot and rpms go up immediately Jan 21, 2022 · Looking for help with my 68 Honda S90 carb. Swinefahrt RooteR. 7 Jul 5, 2011 · Motorcycle Repair, Building, and Restoration It smells as if it is running very rich, but here is the real kicker. Erratic idle drops to 800 rpm. XR650R Erratic idle problem. This only occurs after the engine is at operating temperature. so could my bad idle May 27, 2019 · This bayou 220 idles high then slowly lowers and stalls. Dec 7, 2008 · Has anyone had an issue with an erratic idle once the bike is warmed up using the thundermax? I have tried clearing the IAC and running IAC auto with the bike cold. Erratic idle. He mentioned that it was more than likely an intake leak. But what's really behind this Feb 16, 2025 · One of the most common causes of erratic idle speed in a motorcycle is a malfunctioning Idle Air Control Valve (IACV). Yamaha XV250 - Erratic Idle, Dies when warm after 20 minutes. Idles goes up to 2k or so for about 3-5 seconds, then slows down for one second and goes right back up. Reading all over the forums you'll hear about the dreaded cold starting issues that almost all KLX owners suffer from. A forum community dedicated to Harley Davidson V-Rod Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Jun 20, 2023 · 3. Inspecting and replacing worn-out plug wires is important, as faulty wires can cause erratic sensor readings. Thanks you for voluteering your time and expertise to help novices such as myself. gstprecision. If you still have an erratic idle, I would start looking for air leaks. I did put an NGK plug in, and set the idle to around 1100 rpm. Discussion in '3rd Gen. Throttle response is great above the idle issue (and there's no bogging from clogged lo-speed jets) and the bike pulls strong and smooth to redline, which makes me Apr 8, 2002 · erratic idle, can't sync throttle bodies. With the bike idling, it will automatically rev several hundred RPM higher, sometimes dropping back and sometimes staying at the higher RPM. if its too high this time and i adjust it to were it should be the next time i stop it will barely stay running and the next it might be way too high again. Same din kaya kami? Idle speed 3k tapos pag nagchoke ka mag 4k ang idle speed. I can't get a reliable idle out of it. The IACV plays a critical role in maintaining a stable idle by regulating the engine’s air supply Oct 18, 2022 · Ignition System Issues: Faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or spark plug wires can cause erratic idle. Motorcycle manufacturer recommendations vary, but most issues can be isolated using a Jun 23, 2008 · Honda Motorcycle Models. Sep 29, 2015 · Tumataas talaga ang idle speed ko. He noticed that the idle was all over the place, 800-1200rpm. ECU/CPU Control Unit Needs To Be Flashed (Fuel Dec 25, 2008 · Just bought a DR350, fitted with a Mikuni pumper carb with standard jets (TM28) having been for a ride I found it won't idle properly when it's cold the idle speed hunts up and Oct 19, 2023 · If your motorcycle’s Idle Control Valve wears out or its adjusted idle speed is incorrect, your motorcycle idles at inconsistent RPM speeds, especially when multiple electrical components are running. Posted May 30, 2023. B. Jump to Latest 2K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by dirtyfingers Jun 29, 2004. Same kay sir vigor at vacuum leak daw ang problem. Whether it’s a 2-cycle or 4-cycle gas-powered engine, your powersport machine needs three things to start and run properly: Air; Fuel; Spark to ignite the air/fuel mixture Oct 22, 2012 · - erratic idle and lean plugs sound like fuel issue and since I can confirm jets are clean, synced, and carbs cleaned I should check vaccuum port on bowls A forum community dedicated to Honda Twin cylinder motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. A problem with fuel delivery, spark plug operation or metering of the air-fuel charge can cause problems Oct 19, 2023 · It’s one of the most mind-boggling things to figure out, which is why we put together a quick list of the 7 most common reasons a motorcycle idles but won’t accelerate. Not necessarily rough, but it will bounce around by like 25-50 rpm until it gets hot. Jan 22, 2014 · OK two things, probably the same cause though. Read more. 715K posts 60K members Since 2000 MotorcycleForums. Jan 26, 2024 · Experiencing erratic idle speed on your motorcycle can be both perplexing and frustrating. ZX-11 Forum Erratic Idle when hot. 9K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by SCHMIDTY Jun 1, 2021. I've driven it all over including two long trips. Bagged_camaro Discussion starter. My bike has a bad idle, it will idle at 1740 then rocket to 2100-2300, then back down. alam ko po na mas mababa ang menor sa gabi dahil mas Jul 5, 2008 · I thought might have float valve seating problems causing the erratic idle issues but only time will tell. It seemed to be totally random. I imagine it may have something to do with the way the throttle cable installed, although I can’t understand why giving it more throttle makes it idle more slowly. Running 20% sunoco 112 w/ 93 pump. A problem with fuel delivery, spark plug operation or metering of the air-fuel charge can cause problems at idle that may not be obvious at higher rpm ranges. Idle Turning and Engine Heat. i throughly cleaned carbs and it helped alot. Hitting the throttle makes it worse as well. you can do it yourself with a test meter/ohm meter by referring to the figures in the manual. A forum community dedicated to KTM 1090 adventure motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Mine are pilot jet and adjusting air screw. Valves adjusted and carb cleaned. the problem when i start the bike it chokes proper and idles great and warms up and holds idle for May 12, 2012 · Stalling and erratic idle. Mar 18, 2024 · Here are the most common causes of idle surge, rough idle esp when cold and stalls at stops, slow idle speed, erratic idle speed, rough idle and engine hesitation (and other problems), it is in most cases the idle speed control air-bypass valve and or throttle valve and upper intake, these area's get full of gunk and combustion residue over the miles and cause Sep 19, 2010 · Erratic idle problem. Sep 16, 2010 · Erratic idle and high idle while clutch pulled in. Joined: Sep 23, 2021 Member: #377860 Messages: 2 Gender: Male First Name: Andy Vehicle: 2016 Tacoma TRD. Have not adjusted the merge jet. Come join the discussion Apr 2, 2021 · Suzuki gsx750 inazuma rough/erratic idle. I cleaned the carb but still crazy idle. (An occasional backfire) When you hit the throttle it responds sluggishly and then stays at high RPM after releasing the throttle for several seconds before returning to idle. Aug 15, 2016 · mga master patulong naman sa motor ko euro 125 6 months old. There's also an odd vibration coming from the front cylinder. If I even Mar 12, 2018 · Erratic idle is common and possibly due to fuel and atmospheric conditions at the time. When cold it idles real low later in the day after I turn up the idle it idles high. Feb 20, 2017 · Hey guys, I recently bought this 2009 KLX250S with about 10k miles for a steal. 4,857 Satisfied Customers. 8K views 2 replies Aug 27, 2024 · Erratic Idle and spiking RPM. eddiemon 63 Replies. Recommended Posts. I intended to simply change out the battery, maybe do a Feb 10, 2022 · Guhl motors flashed ecu, yoshi exhaust, and BMC air filters. Missouri isn't concerned about motorcycle emissions at all, I don't think. I want your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle. Feb 20, 2013 · Get current, then adjust your idle per the shop manual. Tried different pilot jets (48 runs best, but I know that's too rich - won't start with 42). A forum community dedicated to Indian Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. On these bikes you sync the idle air control valves which controls cold idle. Apr 16, Aug 9, 2020 · 09 crf250, just installed merge ALJ. HI I bought a Honda XR650R a couple of days ago, and after a sweet test ride with no issues at all, it's now started having issues Feb 6, 2024 · Motorcycle Repair: erratic idle, rebuilt carb overspeeding, internal combustion engines, air leaks. Mechanic's Assistant: How many miles are on the bike? What size is the engine? Customer: Only runs when the choke is on until the engine is warmed up and then it still doesn't like to idle. It would idle up and down then just stall out. Staff member. There is no bog and has a good throttle response and starts right up (only needs choke for two seconds). Fluctuating RPMs: The RPMs may jump up and down unexpectedly. When slowing down it stays in a very high idle until it eventually dies down - Yamaha 2003 YZ 250 F question. Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Feb 20, 2024 · It sends data on the throttle’s position to the motorcycle’s computer, which then adjusts the fuel mixture and ignition timing accordingly. It occurs after motor has been warmed up and ridden for 5-10 miles, then stopping at a light, holding clutch lever in while in 1st gear the rpms fluctuate up and down. Just bought a DR350, fitted with a Mikuni pumper carb with standard jets (TM28) having been for a ride I found it won't idle properly when it's cold the idle speed hunts up and down a little. If the screw has to be opened more than 3 turns to get a smooth idle, you need to go up a size in pilot jet. 43 posts · Joined 2010 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 23, 2011. Seems to do ok cold but gets worse as engine warms up. I have sprayed that B-12 Chemtrol carb cleaner everywhere trying to find a vacuum leak, and I can't find anything. Motorcycle Forum. Mar 14, 2025 at 5:06 PM #1 #1. In carburetted engines, the pilot jet is responsible for idle rpm, and we can adjust the idle rpm . erratic idle 1994 GL1500se. Checked the float level, although it's mainly 0-1/4 throttle position issues since it revs out well 1/2-WOT. While in between shifts or much worse at idle the revs will not settle until sitting for a minute or two, at idle the bike still sounds like you are doing about 50 mph. Come join the discussion about performance, engine builds, classifieds, modifications Nov 10, 2010 · Motorcycle Repair, Building, and Restoration. By gstprecision, May 30, 2023 in Beta Motorcycles. The bike will fire with full choke. It also will not return to low RPMs after throttle application. Insufficient voltage can lead to erratic idling and, in more severe cases, engine stalling. I installed new points and coils and I rebuilt the carbs. Random throttle balance See this video filmed today after fiddling about with throttle cables and connectors to TPSs, Idle Valves, & Injectors in 1985 Virago 1000 has erratic idle. Thanks, Joe. Thread starter Prestone; Start date Mar 9, 2010; Tags Snowboarding, Running & Motorcycle - Black Tough Outfitters-25%. It's almost like the adaptations for the ETVs are lost and it quickly has to recalibrate them in order to properly control the idle speed. By rajohns, September 19, 2010 in CRF150F/L, CRF230F/L & CRF250F. Erratic Idle. Advancing the throttle to 2500 rpm and the revs Nov 30, 2023 · Here’s Why Your Motorcycle Won’t Idle Without Throttle. A forum community dedicated to all Kawasaki motorcycles including the ZX-6R, KLR 650, Ninja 250, Ninja 250R, and Vulcan. I replaced the carb with a new one. But when it's warm/hot the idle hunts more severly and if i rev the engine it sticks at 4000rpm increasing slowly to Feb 3, 2025 · Re: Erratic idle Reply #6 on: December 22, 2018, 11:44:28 pm The most likely culprit in such cases is an air leak somewhere between the carb and the headthough this is often accompanied by "run-on", where the engine in neutral will take noticeably longer than normal to drop its rpm speed when the throttle is revved and released. Show Less . Motorcycle sputtering during idling is most of the time due to a clog or leak in the fuel system components of the motorcycle. 1 day ago · Erratic idle. You'll find other suggestions besides what's here. Come join the discussion about modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, performance Jul 25, 2005 · lately when i ride my bike everytime i come to a stop the idle seems to be different. Come join the discussion about performance Nov 10, 2010 · Honda 350 twin/ Erratic Idle Jump to Latest 4K views 5 replies 6 participants last post by loveoldstuff Jun 13, 2011 Aug 10, 2008 · I have an '04 WR250F which has an erratic idle. continuous yun, not unless you hold back sa throttle or twist it more to raise the rpms above 6k. I am rebuilding a 78 GS400 Suzuki that sat for 12 years. Jump to Latest I noticed that the idle would speed up slightly and them slow down some. net is the leading motorcycle Dec 25, 2020 · Bike losing power & erratic idle Jump to Latest 5. However, if your bike is revving out, you should shut if off and attempt to resolve the issue or you could blow Oct 14, 2024 · Struggling with high idle issues on your Yamaha motorcycle? This article offers a comprehensive guide to diagnose and fix the problem hassle-free. Jan 29, 2025 · Experiencing erratic idle after replacing the air filter is frustrating, but in most cases, the fix is straightforward. It has a FMF header and Q4, and a dyno jet kit to match. Dec 16, 2018 · I've had an issue with erratic idle and the odd flame out. Runs great in fact. I have sprayed areas around the carb boots, installed a new Motion Pro hot start cable (I think the original Feb 17, 2013 · During the racing idle, could try pushing the throttle closed by hand at the carb end, to see whether or not racing idle persists. ive been having problems with a real inconsistent idle. Customer: Erratic idle. RPM's are all over the place though, and I have to constantly adjust the choke to keep the RPM's between 1,000 and 2,500, sometimes it shoots up to 4-5k. Aug 2, 2020 · 🏍 Motorcycle Forums 🏍 75 Cb550F erratic idle. I replaced the carb intake gaskets and the carb boots along with the usual suspects ( petcock vacuum test, throttle seals , fuel rail seals ). 1321 posts · Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · May 31, 2021. The throttle valve is not sticking. Discussion in 'GS Boxers' started by Swinefahrt, Apr 5, 2016. The piston Jun 3, 2024 · Motorcycle Idle Too High. 2002 v-star 650 idles really high while still in gear and eventually slows down when put in neutral. My conclusion is that the erratic idle issue which occurs with prolonged small throttle grip openings is caused by the idle speed control logic of BMS-K (engine control) becoming unstable. May 8, 2023 · One important maintenance aspect is checking the idle speed and adjusting it if necessary. Seems like the next thing is to check the pilot jet. Members; 58 Mar 4, 2025 · At t=110s, the idle steppers have bottomed out and engine speed starts fluctuating heavily – engine is close to stalling. It is either stalling or sounding like an old chaff cutter or it is racing between 2500-3000 rpm. It’s cold idle is a little bouncy. One common issue that riders may encounter is an erratic idle in their motorcycle’s electronic fuel injection (EFI) system. Thought maybe dirty carb. Excess Air Intake. Verify May 3, 2009 · There is only an idle speed adjustment. A bad idle control valve can also lead to fluctuations in the RPM. I’m new to working on motorcycles. If I adjusted the idle knob while it was on fast idle, it would die when it kicked down, but if I adjusted it while it was kicked down it would then race on to the fast idle. Feb 16, 2025 · Understand the root causes of erratic idle speed in motorcycles and find expert troubleshooting tips at GmundCars. The vacuum gauge on either carb at idle is all over the place. I can set it up in the garage and it will idle fine. 5k - 2k pero after running 10kms tapos huminto ako para pumasok sa gate ng bahay namin maya maya aakyat na Jun 12, 2024 · Trying to diagnose this erratic idle/won't idle without choke 06 Honda CRF250R - pops/backfires when you rev in neutral. I have cleaned the carbs, removed the 140 main jets replaced them Apr 1, 2010 · He had the bike hooked up to the Digital Technician. Difficulty Starting: Starting the engine can become difficult. honda 350 twin / Erratic Idle? Jump to Latest Follow 2K views Feb 25, 2025 · Re: 2015 Bullet. rotten Discussion starter. - I use good gas, 91+ octane. Oct 6, 2005 · Erratic Idle. Shifty Dec 28, 2020 Sep 7, 2009 · my 02 yz250f has a very erratic idle. No air leaks in the intake manifold. Jump to Latest 761 views 2 replies 2 participants last post by Tuffers Jun 24, 2012. Sep 2, 2024 · This erratic idle behavior is minimal (though not non-existent) after a long ride - I still see some minor fluctuations on the tachometer of around 100 RPM but I always assumed this was a behavior inherent to single cylinder engines. I rode the bike home and was going to look into it. Thread starter B. The airbox is stock. 2strokeTater [OP] New Member. Keyword: Troubleshoot Erratic Idle Speed. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and builds Jan 26, 2024 · Experiencing a 'hanging idle' on your motorcycle can be both irritating and a sign of underlying issues. Once in a while it will idle pretty decent but if you go run the bike through the gears and then come to a stop it hardly wants to idle again. Jump to Latest Jaws Motorcycles and Motorcycle parts supplys for the Blackbird Whilst you are working in the area of the reg/rec connectors do you have a DC voltmeter? It is always worth checking the stator output (check voltage across pairs of the yellow wires and ensure the readings are as close to identical as possible Sep 21, 2023 · I've noticed that the engine idle on my new to me 2012 C5 EFI500 seems to hunt when I pull up to a stop sign or red light. Mar 1, 2010 · If you had to turn the screw twice before it made a difference, it sounds like the TB's weren't reliably resting against the idle stop thus causing an erratic idle. Apr 3, 2014 · Comes off choke smoothly within 4-5 minutes and then begins an erratic idle, sometimes a little exhaust popping (rich?), and will quit if the idle isn't turned up to over 1500 rpm. A motorcycle idle that is a little high is not dangerous for your bike but isn’t optimal either. So Saturday, while out riding my 17' CVO Street Glide it started to idle high. Harley-Davidson & Motorsports Dealership Professional. This issue started in the middle of my race season I thought at the time it was the lipo Jun 18, 2024 · Erratic Idle Behavior. Top Contributors this Month View All. The bike’s idle speed will Aug 7, 2021 · since and the erratic idle is strong at 900 RPM’s. As a fervent motorcycle enthusiast, Tim brings a rich tapestry of experience and passion to TheMotorGuy. 5, 2. The idle had to be adjusted up and corrected to the proper setting for a bike with a good choke. Joined Nov 22, 2021 Total Posts 8,167 Total likes 3,554 Location Hagerstown MD USA. pag umaga maganda ang takbo pati ang menor pero pag gabi na o kaya malamig kahit nakabiyahe na ko ng malayo mababa na ang menor niya at pag tumigil ako mamatay na ang makina. darren4612 Mar 3, 2011 · Kawasaki Motorcycles. Motorcycle Mechanic: Flint McCormick. 99. A forum community dedicated to Kawasaki Versys motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. It seems unaffected by mixture screw/ choke adjustments. New plugs, plug wires, air filter, air MAP sensor restoring, and building custom motorcycles for 30 years. Now, i have done many of the usual checks and here is a Aug 20, 2021 · Motorcycle Repair, Building, and Restoration. 20 posts · Joined 2004 Add to quote Feb 3, 2022 · Now in the garage (50 degrees) it seems to idle but is erratic and hangs a little not to bad. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and Mar 7, 2009 · Erratic idle & Backfire. Cold idle seems just fine. It quit stalling but still had the erratic idle and was still slow to return to idle. I’ve gone through the carbs and made sure the idle passages are clear, set float height, changed ignition coils, replaced points, adjusted set timing, Aug 25, 2006 · meron po ba nakaexperience ng abnormal idling ng raider 150 nyo? yung hindi stable at times kahit mainit na e hindi consistent sa preset idle speed. It's worth the $30. I have a 77 KZ1000 A1 and the idle is giving me hell. 2 days ago · if at any time you have attempted to adjust the idle by turning the screw on the r/h side of the throttle body (the one that looks like it should control the idle) then it will need to be reset as that is linked to the throttle position sensor that works with the brain. Mar 8, 2023 · The erratic spark generation caused by old spark plugs can cause your Harley-Davidson motorcycle’s RPMS to flutter until it eventually won’t idle. Contact Us; Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Jun 17, 2012 · Erratic idle. and it did change when i did that. Sep 2, 2021 · Erratic idle. Problem is, I have an erratic idle mthat hovers around 900 and jumps about 200-300 rpms. It also was slow to return to idle after giving it throttle. An erratic idle is a clear sign of TPS trouble. sometimes it idles fine, then goes up and downa nd its all over the place. 1 , 2. Oct 11, 2005 · erratic idle I don`t have a tuner on it , the dealer told me I should put the Harley Tuner on it if I kept the Vance & Hines pipes on . Please help! Look how pilot screws were peek outside as soon as I took off the carburetors from motorcycle, someone who owned motorcycle before me set pilot screw differently for all 4 carbs: 2. I had a shop set the timing at 10* and tune the carb. No complaints. Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to all Kawasaki motorcycles including the ZX-6R, KLR 650, Ninja 250, Ninja 250R, and Vulcan. A high or low idle speed can strain the throttle position sensor, leading to potential issues. Apr 1, 2010 Moderator 2 days ago · Causes. Oct 17, 2011 · My bike idles fine – smoothly at 1000rpm – when I start it and for the first half hour of riding, but when it gets really hot, esp after open road riding the idle becomes erratic ranging quickly from between 500 – almost 2000rpm. 5K Take it for a ride and when it is warmed up / hot the idle becomes erratic but when you rev it it revs up with no hesitation. Again, thanks to all the ONE people that tried to help out. Took it off, cleaned, blew it out, held jets up to light, looks clean. Jump to Latest 7. Troy Jollimore 60 Replies. Motorcycle questions? Ask a mechanic. May 30, 2023 · Beta Motorcycles ; Erratic low idle 22 390 RRS Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; Erratic low idle 22 390 RRS. Jun 24, 2024 · While idling at a stop light, the idle's set to around 700-800, but after warming up the idle increases to around 1k. It runs strong through the gears, but when I take off the gas, it will either idle ok, idle low and die, or rev to 3-4,000 rpms. Logged 1988 Super Magna(Disabled), 2000 Harley Softail, 2004 Hayabusa, 2020 Sep 23, 2021 · Engine starts up but the idle is completely erratic, as you can hear. Motorcycle Talk Off Topic Riders Lounge SV Modifications and General Maintenance SV650 Gen2 (03-15) Tech SV650 Gen1 (99-02) Tech. Come join the discussion about performance, touring, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, adjustments, reviews, maintenance, and more! May 3, 2023 · If your motorcycle does die after a short idle, then a few possible reasons include idle turning and engine heat, weak spark, a problem with the air filter, fuel issues, stator/battery issue, or a defective carburetor. Tunning specifications? Valve adjustment? Have you checked the basic stuff, air filter, spark plug? 5 days ago · A broad range of problems can cause rough idling in a motorcycle engine. Oct 20, 2009 · Wondering what this motorcycle adventure travel gig is all about? You've come to the right place! We peddle dreams, the achievable kind, creating an addiction to overland travel. Starts and runs good but the idle as all over the place. Your Harley’s airbox includes a filter to prevent dirt, debris, and moisture from Aug 13, 2008 · After several minutes of riding The bike will not come to a normal idle. Search Fixya Motorcycles; Related Question. 1. B; Start date May 14, 2012; Help Support Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum: Motorcycle Windshield Deflector Fit for 2001-2005 for Yam&aha FJR1300 FJR 1300 Motorcycle Accessories Windscreen 4mm Black Clear Windshield 2002 2003 2004 May 27, 2012 · I have a 1990 ZX600D, and as the title statesI'm having some serious starting troubles. mx_599 37 Replies. Come join the discussion about Customer: What can cause a hanging idle on a motorcycle? Answered by Flint McCormick in 5 hours 5 years ago. A forum community dedicated to BMW K series motorcycles owners and enthusiasts. Acts like an air leak but I checked that. Aug 25, 2012 · mule 2500 erratic idle Jump to Latest 1K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by redneckga1 Aug 25, 2012 Mar 27, 2009 · so, I finally got my 302 running. I replaced the o ring between the carb and intake, cleaned carb and put it back together. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, off-road, touring, street bikes, and more! Oct 19, 2023 · Air- and fuel-filter issues may also be the reason your motorcycle won’t idle without throttle. Erratic idle, occasionally stalls Reply #6 on: August 09, 2016, 04:00:22 am My bike is a 2015 and did what yours did on my final long ride to reach 1000 miles. So that was the cause of the high/hanging idle, but the other problem I described was an erratic idle, one that seemed like Jun 28, 2004 · Erratic idle. Erratic readings could lead to idle Jul 11, 2021 · Erratic idle and slow rpm decrease. Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your bike? Customer: 1986 Kawasaki LTD 454 LTD 39k miles 29k* miles Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Jun 23, 2021 · Just picked up an 05 KLX 125. The idle will hang around 3k RPM after throttle has been applied, but then slows a few hundred RPM, then quickly drops to around 1k. does anyone have any Aug 23, 2011 · Hey folks, I've got an 03 DRZ400S with a 3x3 mod, K&N filter, FMF tailpipe, aftermarket air screw @ 2. 2,927 satisfied customers. Feb 20, 2024 · A faulty sensor may send incorrect signals, leading to an erratic idle that may feel like your bike is struggling to maintain a stable engine speed. 2003-2004 ZX-6R Apr 2, 2015 · I’ve got a 75 wing that I can’t get to idle quite right. 1722 Views 22 Replies 7 Participants Last post by Darwin, Feb 18, 2013. Air entering your Feb 20, 2024 · Experiencing erratic idle in your motorcycle's EFI system can be both puzzling and frustrating. before performing any operation on a modern motorcycle. It's when your bike's engine revs linger higher than normal before settling down. It sounds clunky at idle. kzsctfc riypdrv rxme pqsqt ugpbcm curttshb nzpc gjwd blulvay thhmh bmxkc dyil wvbse yytvfr dcl