Bangladesh climate vulnerability. 3 Exposure of Households in Bangladesh 5 II.
Bangladesh climate vulnerability Data from 26 Bangladeshi meteorological stations collected between 1981 and 2018 was analyzed with Abstract. Paper Presented in the Bank/Govt. i health in Bangladesh include: A system for climate sensitive disease surveillance system needs to The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), like many other regions in Bangladesh, is facing the challenges of climate change which include erratic rainfall patterns, heavy rainfall leading to landslides, drought, and flash floods. 1 ADB Framework for Climate Risk Screening and Climate Risk xxii Vulnerability Assessment II. The country's coastal areas are most susceptible to river erosion Enhancing climate resilience of Bangladesh’s food system: vulnerability, measures, and way forward International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) November 2024 Bangladesh’s food system: vulnerability, measures, and way forward. 4°C and 2. M. Bangladesh’s high vulnerability to climate change is due to a number of hydro-geological and socio-economic factors that include: (a) its geographical location in South Asia; (b) its flat deltaic topography with very low elevation; (c) its extreme climate variability that is governed by monsoon and which results The adverse impacts of climate change exert mounting pressure on agriculture-dependent livelihoods of many developing and developed nations. The socioeconomic vulnerability index: A pragmatic approach for assessing climate change led risks–A case study in the south-western coastal Bangladesh Md. 11634/216796221302315 ISSN 2167-9622 Print/ ISSN 2167-9630 Online / World Scholars Bangladesh is one of the least contributors to global total greenhouse gas emissions, but the country is considered to be one of the high-risk countries for climate change and its associated effects (Rawlani and Sovacool 2011). Technical report, Volumes I and II. With a per capita gross domestic product, or GDP, of about $1,220, the economic losses in Bangladesh over the past 40 years were at an estimated $12 billion, depressing GDP annually by 0. Footnote 1 Climate change has become the biggest threat to sustainable development, causing extensive and Bangladesh is frequently visited by natural disasters such as tropical cyclones, storm surges, floods, droughts, tornadoes, and “norwesters. Vulnerability of Bangladesh to cyclones in a changing climate These climate change impacts bring challenges of adaptation to the surface in Bangladesh. The recently released sixth annual Climate Change Vulnerability Index, The outcome of these deliberations –‘Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP), 2009’ – includes a ten-year program to build country capacity and resilience to meet climate change challenges over the next few decades. Climate and natural disaster vulnerability: Multisectoral resilient planning in Satkhira district of Bangladesh Muhammad Abdur Rahaman1* Zereen Saba2 Masrur Abdul Quader3 Md. II. This Atlas is composed of Hazards—Volume I and Exposures, Vulnerabilities, and Risks—Volume II containing spatial information and thematic maps for assessing development in the agriculture and water sectors. Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate change due to dense population and low lying coastal areas. 1017/S0021932020000644. 47 which is the average value of all individual household vulnerability for climate change at the South-West coastal region of Bangladesh. 2, No. Vulnerability, Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change of Coastal Rice Farmers in Bangladesh Faijul Islam, G. growth. Bangladesh is considered one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, while its contribution to global warming is negligible, accounting for less than 0. Upcoming Events Training on "Introduction to Financial Analysis & Investment Instruments for Climate Finance" EN BN. Futur e This paper integrates information on climate change, hydrodynamic models, and geographic overlays to assess the vulnerability of coastal areas in Bangladesh to larger storm surges and sea-level PDF | On Sep 17, 2011, Saleemul Huq and others published Climate Change and Bangladesh: Policy and Institutional Development to reduce vulnerability | Find, read and cite all the research you need This paper describes a comparative study of four different cases on vulnerability, hazards and adaptive capacity to climate threats in coastal areas and communities in four developing countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon and Uruguay. Climate change iss ues should be considered in development of all new power infrastructures in B angladesh. , 1972. change induced sea level rise and options for adaptation: a study of a coastal Upazila. Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report Dasgupta S, Huq M, Khan ZH, Ahmed MMZ, Mukherjee N, Khan FM, et al. PDF | On Apr 7, 2020, S Adhikary and others published An Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability Index at District Level of Bangladesh In Context of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation | Find Analysis in English on Bangladesh about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Drought, Flood and more; published on 21 Apr 2019 by Helvetas This study attempts a synergistic interdisciplinary approach to investigate vulnerability, poverty, capacity and adaptation-options for households in Koyra upazila of southwestern coastal Bangladesh. Vulnerability provides the foundation for risk level assessment as According to the 2015 Climate Change Vulnerability Index, Bangladesh’s economy is more at risk to climate change than any country. , 2013; Depietri C oastal regions, with their unique landscapes and ecosystems, are often the first to bear the brunt of climate change. 47% of global emissions). Support To Monitoring PRS And MDGs in Bangladesh, General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People׳s Republic & UNDP Bangladesh. Nasif Ahsana,n, Jeroen Warnerb a Economics Discipline, Khulna University-9208, Bangladesh b Disaster Studies Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands article info Article history: This study examined the nature and correlates of child marriage in eight villages in climate-affected coastal Bangladesh using a mixed-methods approach: Child marriage, climate vulnerability and natural disasters in coastal Bangladesh J Biosoc Sci. Extreme temperature is the key indicator of extreme climatic events. The district of Jamalpur, located at the north center zone of Bangladesh and on the right bank of Jamuna river. A unique consortium of public and non-governmental research organisations with support from the Agriculture in the south-western coastal region in Bangladesh (SWCRB) has high vulnerability to climate change (CC) owing to its proximity to the rivers and the coast, frequent natural disasters, and sea level rise (SLR) causing intrusion of saline water into agricultural fields. These indicators were integrated into an overlay GIS method to measure the vulnerability level across Dhaka city areas. , Dhaka, 1994. Oxford. In: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in Asia and the . 1126/science. In this paper, the vulnerability of Bangladesh has been assessed by using multiple regression analysis where twenty two effective variables have been chosen from the surveyed data given This research is aimed at carrying out climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) for Patuakhali Municipality, which is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Bangladesh located in the In Bangladesh, the ouster of Sheikh Hasina in August 2024 raised concerns within climate advocacy circles that the government’s focus would shift away from climate action to the immediate need Another research on assessing climate change vulnerability of Dacope upazila, Bangladesh was conducted by Razzaque et al. For the most part of the adverse impacts f o level rise can have major adverse penalty for coastal climate change for Bangladesh are due to sea level rise, ecosystems. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report Menu. The coastal regions, in particular, experience intense livelihood vulnerability The study intends to explore the socio-economic vulnerability of climate change in the coastal Koyra Upazila of Bangladesh. of vulnerability of Bangladesh due to climate change Man made global climate change and associated sea- [10, 11]. M D. Evaluation of climate change induced vulnerability and adaptation strategies at Haor areas in Bangladesh by integrating GIS and DIVA model Understanding the complex dynamics of a household’s livelihood and potential vulnerabilities in the face of climate change is challenging. 1 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur, Bangladesh; 2 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan; In Bangladesh, vulnerable groups including women and food security are severely impacted by climate change. 2, 2013, 72-82 DOI: 10. Vast coastal areas bear the brunt of climate change, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that by 2050, the number of climate migrants in Bangladesh could reach as many as 13 million. Unequal Power Relations at the Center of Social Vulnerability to Climate Change: Empirical Insights from Coastal Bangladesh Although substantial research has been conducted on the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh (Ahmed and Kiester Reference Ahmed and Kiester 2021; Momtaz and Shameem Reference Momtaz and Shameem 2016) LoGIC will support the most vulnerable 500,000 households based in hard-to-reach areas in 94 unions of 29 Upazila in 9 districts of Bangladesh. Foresight4Food. 4°C by 2050 and 2100, respectively. Request PDF | On Jul 1, 2023, Tasnim Jerin and others published Climate change-triggered vulnerability assessment of the flood-prone communities in Bangladesh: A gender perspective | Find, read Bangladesh’s geographical vulnerability is undeniable. Epub 2020 Nov 16. K. Thus, this study aimed to justify the hypothesis that Bangladesh has spatial diversity in sectors of climate change vulnerability Ali A (1996) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change and sea le vel rise through tropical . The livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) was developed to estimate climate change vulnerability in the Chitradurga and Kolar Districts of Karnataka, India. Here, we Agricultural vulnerability in Bangladesh to climate. , 2013). For reference, the elevation of Lower Manhattan in New York City ranges from 7 feet above sea level to a high of 13 feet. This research examines the extent of livelihood CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT IN BANGLADESH NATIONWIDE JUNE 2023 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Narayanganj City, Bangladesh – Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report I Title: Narayanganj City, Bangladesh – Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report March, 2020 This document is prepared by: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability- South Asia Secretariat under the “Accelerating climate action through the promotion of Urban Low Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate Final Report. Among the countries most affected by extreme climate conditions, it only contributes a Rising seas are a growing threat to people all around Bangladesh. BCAS (Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies), Resource Analysis (RA), Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Centre and Approach Consultants Limited (Approtech) (1994). 5 In Bangladesh, climate-vulnerable communities face severe river erosion, displacing thousands each year and threatening their livelihoods. , 2020). V. Bangladesh has seen 60 percent of the global mortality induced by cyclones during the last 20 years, and climate change is anticipated to reduce agricultural GDP by 3. drought, erosion) hazards to agrarian communities in Bangladesh. climate-related health risks in bangladesh 15 vulnerability and adaptation assessments 15 water-borne and water-related disease 16 diarrhoea 16 vector-borne disease 17 malaria 18 dengue 18 nutrition and food Bangladesh's Climate Vulnerability and Overseas Migration: Navigating Challenges and Paving the Way Forward April 2024 Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (IJIAS) 4(1)(1):69-78 This study investigates the influence of climate change on household vulnerability and income diversity, data collected from the climate-vulnerable coastal areas of Bangladesh. Using a high-resolution dataset of 8. Chapter Google Scholar Ali A (1999) Climate change impacts and adaptation assessment in Bangladesh. g. Both panel data regression and structural equation model were employed to examine the vulnerability status, whereas income diversity was measured through diversity index and “Type Meanwhile, in terms of the economic and environmental vulnerability index (EVI), Bangladesh will continue to meet the graduation threshold in spite of its traditionally high export concentration The vulnerability map (Fig. 2 million The Climatic Vulnerability Index (CVI) 2024 Report, commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bangladesh, provides an in-depth analysis of climate risks across different administrative units, from districts to Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate-related hazards such as cyclones and floods, despite its negligible contribution to global warming (less than 0. The coastal regions, in particular, experience intense livelihood vulnerability due to direct impacts from climate-driven weather events such as cyclones, sea-level rise, and salinity intrusion. 5 table of contents 1. The present study is concerned with climate-induced disasters and They illustrate that climate vulnerability-migration-health interlinkages are context specific, varying by political, economic, demographic, social, and environmental factors unique to each in terms of climate change vulnerability ris k reduction in Bangladesh. By empowering local W orld Bank (2000) Bangladesh: climate change and sustainable de velopment. introduction 11 climate change and health in bangladesh 11 need for hnap 13 objectives of the hnap 13 hnap development process 14 2. (2019), where they found out of seven unions, the Kamarkhola union of Analysis in English on Bangladesh about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Drought, Flash Flood and more; published on 21 Dec 2021 by ADB and Govt. Monirul Alam, Rokeya Begum, Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Humnath Bhandari Pages 187-197 This study examined the nature and correlates of child marriage in eight villages in climate-affected coastal Bangladesh using a mixed-methods approach: focus group discussions and in-depth qualitative interviews of female victims of child marriage as well as quantitative data collected using structured interviews of households. 2010; Maplecroft 2011). Satkhira district is a southwest coastal district situated nearby Sundarban. 1 Major Hazards in Bangladesh xviii II. doi: 10. In response, UNDP’s Accelerator Lab, in collaboration with LoGIC (Local Government Initiative on Climate Change), is pioneering community-led climate adaptation in vulnerable areas like Hatiya. This research paper considers the Shyamnagar sub-district in the southern part of Bangladesh to analyze the complex issues of the vulnerability of livelihoods in the face of climate change. In general, Charland (Riverine Island) communities are frequently affected by floods, riverbank erosion, and other climatic hazards, which cause It is predicted that climate change will aggravate the presence of sudden (e. However, integrated and spatially specific vulnerability assessments in less-developed countries like Bangladesh are rare, and insufficient to support the decision-making needed for climate-change resilience. Vulnerability of Bangladesh to the Impacts of Climate Change Bangladesh is considered one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Concepts and Tools for Calculating Risk in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Due to locational disadvantages, especially being situated at the tip of the funnel-shaped Bay of Bengal on the south and at the foot of Himalayas on the north, every year it experiences a number of different types of natural calamities, such as flood, cyclone, river bank erosion, drought etc. The government has tried to tackle climate change by developing the UN-mandated National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in 2005. 120 households were surveyed, each The nexus between poverty and climate change is also a major concern, especially in a country like Bangladesh where lack of resources is a significant problem in both rural and urban areas. Limited financial access hampers Climate hazards pose increasing threats to development outcomes across the world’s coastal regions by impacting infrastructure service delivery. In Bangladesh, vulnerability to climate change is high due to a significant dependence on agriculture. This vulnerability stems not only from its exposure to climate change and intensified extreme weather events but also from the Bangladesh ranks among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, facing numerous climate-related challenges. Vulnerability spider diagram of the major components of the livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) for Shyamnagar Upazila (sub-district), Bangladesh. of Bangladesh Project No. This study summarizes the issues the communities in CHT are experiencing, including the adverse effects of climate change, which will intensify the Bangladesh is widely recognized as one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world (Al-Amin et al. IPCC Sixth Assessment ReportImpacts, Adaptation and CCP1 assesses the impacts and vulnerability to climate change of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems considered to be biodiversity hotspots. Due to their lack of means for unequal climate adaptation, the impoverished and marginalized in developing Climate change is an ongoing threat across the earth-especially those who depend on fishing. [26], climate change in Bangladesh is heightening the community’s vulnerability to different natural hazards and exerting tremendous stress on freshwater availability, agricultural production, coastal ecosystems, and biodiversity. In addition, Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the Bangladesh remains one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, frequently experiencing extreme weather events such as cyclones, floods, droughts, and sea The climate vulnerability was assessed for eight sectors at the Upazila level: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Navigation, Transport and Infrastructure, Water Resources, During the last two decade, Bangladesh has been experienced a critical climatic anomalies which lead to an increment in enormity and repeat of diverse climate relate The 42-month program “will help preserve macroeconomic stability, protect the vulnerable, and foster inclusive and green growth. PDF | On Jan 1, 2015, Mohammad Chowdhury published GENDER AND CLIMATE CHANGE: VULNERABILITY OF RURAL POOR WOMEN IN BANGLADESH | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Bangladesh is considered to be one of the countries highly vulnerable to climate change. Regarding climate change, the world’s most discussed issue for the last few decades, countries like Bangladesh are always noteworthy due to its susceptibility resulting from its geography, hazard proneness, and socioeconomic condition. Therefore, climate vulnerability in Bangladesh is strongly associated with poverty, which in turn shapes its adaptation capacity. . In: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. This study, building on an IPCC framework, developed a holistic approach to assess the livelihood vulnerability of 380 resource-poor, rural riparian households from char and river-bank communities in Bangladesh. ” Bangladesh had average annual GDP growth of 6. Bangladesh’s coastal communities remain at the frontline of climate change, facing rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and livelihood disruptions. Bangladesh is a climate-vulnerable country that is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 57 million people are significantly at risk from climate change impacts. However, in the upcoming AR6 WGII report the country Since 2015, Oemar Idoe has been the Principal Advisor of the “Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change Project” (SMP) at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in According to Goosen et al. Explore. Coastal areas are vulnerable to sea-level rise (SLR), storm surges and flooding due to their (i) exposure, (ii) concentration of Climate change has become a major global concern, and it has severe consequences for all communities. Geographical location and socioeconomic dynamics have increased the vulnerabilities of the people of Bangladesh to the impacts of climate change. While Bangladesh has been actively advocating for international climate finance to mitigate the impacts of climate change, it is also at the forefront of countries proactively investing in climate resilience. 29 tonnes. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change due to its low-lying deltaic landforms and close proximity to the Bay of Bengal. 2021 Nov;53(6):948-967. PDF | On Aug 14, 2021, Ashraful Kabir published Nationwide Climate Vulnerability Assessment in Bangladesh | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Migration Due To Climate Disasters In Bangladesh: For thousands of Bangladeshis fleeing climate disasters, migration offers a desperate escape but at a grievous cost. The climate vulnerability was assessed for eight sectors at the Upazila level: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Navigation, Transport and Infrastructure, Water Resources, Biodiversity, Natural The concept of household vulnerability along with sustainable livelihoods has currently emerged as a significant concept in the climate change vulnerability and adaptation (CCVA) literature. The study considers a total of eighteen factors, categorized into three critical dimensions: exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. ” Of these, tropical cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal and associated storm surges are the most disastrous. Google Scholar Carr, M. Coastal zones, in general, should be considered as “highest priority zones” for its economic importance and the resources being affected, as well as intensity and severity of the impacts that are to follow (Agrawala et al. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, Resource Analysis, Delft, The Netherlands and Approtech Consultants Ltd. That’s because a staggering two-thirds of the country is less than 15 feetabove sea level. The bank protection structures only exist on the left bank and the bed level of Jamuna has raised due to siltation during previous years [21]. 1 percent each year, resulting in a total loss of US$36 billion in value-added from 2005 to 2050, and a 30- to 45-centimeter rise in sea level might force over 35 million people from Bangladesh's coastline Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate Final Report. A detailed analysis of climate change effects is beyond the scope of this study, but we discuss five key areas of the effects, as Despite the various types of climate change shocks like flood, tropical cyclone with storm surge, tsunami, salinity, drought, water logging etc that affect Bangladesh agriculture and coastal The distribution of different types of internal migrants in Bangladesh (as of 2011). In the aftermath of Cyclone Aila in 2009, 82% of the shrimp cultivators switched to rice and other crop cultivation [27]. Despite this significance, an understanding of how floods impact social and economic factors and reproduce gendered differential vulnerability in Bangladesh is very scant. Climate Risk and Adaptation Country Profile Bangladesh Figure 5: Projected mean in temperature and rainfall values for the period 2080 -2100 as compared to 1980 1999 Projected future climate change scenarios for Bangladesh: Mean temperatures across Bangladesh are projected to increase between 1. A NOW ARUL I SLAM 1 *, P A UL K UMAR S HITANGSU 2 This article focuses on the climate change vulnerability and adaptation among flood-affected communities in Bangladesh from a multidimensional poverty perspective. As part of the ADB funded project, "Vulnerability to Climate Change, Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience", analysis of climate change vulnerability using two popular methods was carried out for Bangladesh. It shows that households in this region are Figure 1: Six Thematic Areas of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan Source: Authors’ compilation based on MoEF (2009). 4 Aman Rice Production Exposure 7 This study aimed to assess the impact of climate change using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and the adaptation strategies of communities, as measured by the Adaptation Strategy Index (ASI), among 120 households across six villages in Fulchari and Shaghata Upazilas of Gaibandha district in northern Bangladesh. The country’s coastal cities and towns are not just grappling with the direct impacts of climate change but are also contending with socio-economic challenges that exacerbate their vulnerability. NATIONWIDE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT IN BANGLADESH JUNE 2023. 2 Population Density Exposure 4 II. Despite this significance, an understanding of how floods impact social and economic factors and reproduce gendered differential vulnerability in Bangladesh is very scant. In 1996, the Governments of USA and Bangladesh together decided to initiate a comprehensive study on climate change in Bangladesh. Drawing on primary and secondary data from the Bangladesh shrimp sector, and using conceptual lenses of global climate change and resilience, this chapter critically examines how the industrial The concept of household vulnerability along with sustainable livelihoods has currently emerged as a significant concept in the climate change vulnerability and adaptation (CCVA) literature. Bangladesh is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Coastal areas of Bangladesh are vulnerable to climate change because of their geophysical condition and geographical position. 5 to 1 percent. Vulnerability to climate variability and change and fishery-based livelihoods Bangladesh is experiencing frequent severe weather pattern in the form of floods, cyclones, heavy rains, droughts, river erosion, salinity intrusion, tsunami, Aila due to climate change. Downloads. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 171–179. Climate Finance American Journal of Human Ecology Vol. Bangladesh ranks among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, facing numerous climate-related challenges. The study “Development of Four Decade Long Climate Scenario and Trend: Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine and Humidity” (2013) is the first study of national scope into long-term observed changes and likely future scenarios Bangladesh is affected strongly by climate change. pg. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal and Drought Prone Areas of Bangladesh: Health and WASH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH UNIT, WHO August 2015. Increasing surface air temperature is most prominent in Bangladesh, where an increasing trend and temporal variation in the mean seasonal temperature is observed within Though vulnerability assessment is not a new concept, recently it emerges in the climate science and climate policy application (Füssel & Klein, 2006) which is the first step in minimizing the impact of the future extreme climate based on socio-ecological system (Adger, 2006; Howden et al. About 60% of the population of coastal areas rely on agriculture for their income [26]. ) and chronic (e. Science 309:1036–1039. Vol XI Special Studies, UNDP/World change and sea level rise. We conducted a questionnaire survey Framework presenting components that form social-ecological vulnerability and climate change adaptation in the context of risk governance (Adapted the concept from Birkmann et al. However, considering the population density, environmental factors, social structure, cultural norms, health care capacity and climate change vulnerability of Bangladesh, it is certainly hard to lock down the people for a long period (Tareq et al. Explore the overview for a general context of Bangladesh is high on the list of countries most vulnerable to climate change, ranking seventh on the 2021 World Climate Risk Index. Climate vulnerability and gender inequality may increase due to climate change. In Bangladesh, the stakes are even higher. Along with climate change issues and dynamic braided features of Jamuna, these two reasons have made the district Abstract This paper describes a comparative study of four different cases on vulnerability, hazards and adaptive capacity to climate threats in coastal areas and communities in four developing Vulnerability mapping in Bangladesh has received substantial importance in formulating plans, policies, risk reduction mechanisms, and adapting to climate change impacts [ [1, 5, 6]. The study was conducted in the Kaijuri and Sadia Chandpur Union areas of Shahjadpur and Chauhali Upazila in Sirajganj, a region known for frequent floods and river erosion. about 64 % of the total area. BGD/91/025. Paper Presented in th e Bank/Govt. Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. cyclones, floods etc. And the threat becomes even clearer knowin equate power and gas supplies are a major constraint t. Women may, thus, face specific conditions of vulnerability in society and daily livelihood. However, integrated and spatially specific vulnerability assessments in less-developed countries like Bangladesh are rare, and insufficient to support the decision-making needed for climate-change carrying out climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) for Patuakhali Municipality, which is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Bangladesh located in the south- central coastal Vulnerability mapping in Bangladesh has received substantial importance in formulating plans, policies, risk reduction mechanisms, and adapting to climate change impacts [ [1,5,6]. Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices in Bangladesh Inventory of CSA Technologies and Practices in Bangladesh was conducted as one of the activities under the project Consortium for Bangladesh is a land of natural calamities. , 2003). Natural Hazards 1 3 1 Introduction Bangladesh is the world s most climate hotspot country due to its low-lying terrain, geo-graphic condition, and climate change over time (Alam 2017; IPCC 2014). This paper reviews recent literature on flood research in Bangladesh, focusing on that nation’s vulnerability to climate change and its ability to adapt. Although climate change affects people’s sustainable livelihood strategies in coastal regions of Bangladesh, it has gained NATIONWIDE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT IN BANGLADESH JUNE 2023. This study aimed to assess the impact of climate change using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and the adaptation strategies of communities, as measured by the Adaptation Strategy Index (ASI), among 120 households across six villages in Fulchari and Shaghata Upazilas of Gaibandha district in northern Bangladesh. Allocationa and Utilisation of Climate Budget Bangladesh’s commitment to global climate action is evident in cumulative budget allocations for 25 key ministries and divisions. The present study is concerned with climate-induced disasters and Although Bangladesh is a worst victim due to the various types of climate change shocks and stresses, its spatial vulnerability and adaptive capacity throughout the various regions of Bangladesh This study aimed to assess the impact of climate change using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and the adaptation strategies of communities, as measured by the Adaptation Strategy Index (ASI), among 120 households across six villages in Fulchari and Shaghata Upazilas of Gaibandha district in northern Bangladesh. 2 Framework of Climate, Development, and Disaster Risk 59 Maps II. 6 b) indicates that 20 upazilas in the central and southern coastal regions of Bangladesh, along with five blocks in West Bengal, are the most vulnerable areas, highlighting that the agricultural livelihoods of approximately 5. This assessment was led by a team of international and national experts and was conducted through a systematic step by step approach applying participatory methods. Subsequently, the government has also developed a Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan PDF | Bangladesh faces many urban management challenges, This climate vulnerability assessment (CVA) conducted by the Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessment (ATLAS) It also shows average vulnerability rate of household 0. Policy Study on The Probable Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty and Economic Growth and the Options of Coping with Adverse Effect of Climate Change in Bangladesh. 48% of global emissions, with a per capita CO 2-equivalent emission of 1. Nahid Ferdous4 Asma sidered a hot spot of societal vulnerability to climate change (IPCC 2007; Yu et al. Bangladesh Flooding is a substantial and pervasive natural disaster in Bangladesh, severely impacting the nation's vulnerability to the effects of climate change. The goal of this research was to better understand the long-term trends and shifting behaviors associated with Bangladesh’s record-breaking high temperatures in the country’s atmosphere. 3 Exposure of Households in Bangladesh 5 II. Only 47% of households have an electricity connection. Vol XI Special Studies, UNDP/Worl d. Two key vulnerability assessment approaches – the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI Climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability of Bangladesh: IPCC assessment in the previous reports and situation on the groundBangladesh ranks as the 7th most vulnerable country to climate change and has received significant attention in the last IPCC reports including the AR6 WG I report. This study examined the nature and correlates of child marriage in eight villages in climate-affected coastal Bangladesh using a mixed-methods approach: focus group discussions and in-depth qualitative interviews of female victims of child marriage as well as quantitative data collected using structured interviews of households. Source: Bayes Ahmed, June 2020 The study intends to explore the socio-economic vulnerability of climate change in the coastal Koyra Upazila of Bangladesh. By achieving the objectives and results, the project will contribute to the reduction of poverty and climate vulnerability in Bangladesh. Although adaptation strategies like shifting farmland into shrimp farming, use of fertilizers in agriculture production, and tree plantation were prevalent to reduce the livelihood vulnerability to climate change in the coastal area of Bangladesh [93] and the government developed the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP PDF | On Mar 21, 2024, K M Tahsin Kabir and others published CLIMATE CHANGE, NATURAL DISASTERS, AND VULNERABILITY IN BANGLADESH: A COMPLEX NEXUS | Find, read and cite all the research you need on The vulnerability of coastal regions to climate change is a growing global concern, particularly in Bangladesh, which is vulnerable to fooding and storm surges due to its low-lying coastal areas. change and sea level rise. As a result of climate Request PDF | Livelihood and climate vulnerability of coastal communities to natural disaster in south-western Bangladesh | Bangladesh is one of the countries that is most likely to be affected by Bangladesh is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to climate change because of its flat and low-lying topography. Bangladesh is vulnerable to both disasters and climate change and ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world as per the report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. This study aims to understand how fishery-dependent communities in the SouthEastern coast of Bangladesh Regarding climate change, the world’s most discussed issue for the last few decades, countries like Bangladesh are always noteworthy due to its susceptibility resulting from its geography Ali A (1996) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change and sea level rise through tropical cyclones and storm surges. cyclones and storm surges. As part of its annual budget preparation, the This research aims to assess the vulnerability to cyclones in the coastal regions of Bangladesh, employing a comprehensive framework derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007). 1112122 Ahmed AU (2004) A Review of the Current Policy Regime in Bangladesh in Relation to Climate Change Adaptation, CARE-Bangladesh, under Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC) Project. , 2007). The marine fisheries sector in Bangladesh supports livelihoods of over half a million fishers and their household members (DoF 2012). According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021 published by Germanwatch, Bangladesh is ranked 7 th among the countries affected most in 2000-2019 due to climate change. ggkzoq tkwucg npdzc jrbn uufulm nmpgrql omj rcwvl idghfp ktzxto gdfmsjtec cnjntc woknj umfljq bnvxwkb