Ask mr robot vs raidbots This is a bit of an experiment right now: it is a way to rank upgrades based on how efficiently they use your currencies. Ask for help. Robot's latest theorycraft articles. freequest May 1, 2024, 6:13am 22. You can also see a graph of the stat-data that Mr. Topic Replies Views Activity; Season of Discovery. To do that, click the robot icon on the minimap. 1: 169: January 27, 2024 Uncommon gem suggested for rare gem setup  · I used Gear Helper and Mr. comparing a case with two on-use trinkets to a case with azerite Dec 11, 2011 · [pve] 关于Ask Mr Robot推荐插精准石头的解释---讨论下插精准+副属性石头的可行性 以及收益~ 恭喜七星获得25H亚洲第一 !!! 此贴为翻译贴 LZ不能证明内容完全正确。 以下内容仅供参考 [s:25] [s:25] 配合此帖效果更佳!AMR属性优先级翻译 法系DPS用 Oct 28, 2022 · Ask Mr. They contradict each other often and it really confuses me on whether I’m using the best gear I can or not. Obviously I Feb 21, 2020 · I think I am going to rant abit, not against amr. Hi! Example: I got new loot, let’s say chest, upgrade level tier (2/8), and I want to include this item to BiB if it would be for example Runed Crest (like in upgrade finder). I often get different results, but this time it is quite critical and i cannot decide what to pick for the start of  · I simmed my character on both today and while Raidbots says my gems and enchants are fine, Askmrrobot is telling me to replace all my gems/ring enchnts with vers stat The easiest way to optimize your gear for World of Warcraft - press one button to get gear, gem, enchant, and talent suggestions.  · I used Gear Helper and Mr.  · Anybody have any idea how to stat weight in AskmrRobot for my holy pally? Jul 28, 2017 · [PVE]想木桩打的高吗,想知道哪件装备好吗,不要再犹豫了,快来用SIMPERMUT / RAIDBOTS吧 在更新一个PAWN 2017-07-27 18:46 [PVE]想木桩打的高吗,想知道哪件装备好吗,不要再犹豫了,快来用SIMPERMUT / RAIDBOTS吧 在更新一个PAWN 之前我  · My computer takes forever to log out/in, or to reload the UI, due to a combination of slow hardware and lots of addons, so being able to bypass that requirement and just use the import/export is grand. To do that press Ctrl + v (or apple + v on a mac). 15% bounce rate; noxxic. This resulted in a simulated (on AMR) DPS of 80,094 DPS. Robot and Raidbots to find my best in bag gear. Robot sims. I compared to a lot of other mages in Nov 21, 2023 · Snapshot id: 2562d145ed9944dcbe793c494dd0542c So i ran a BIS for my Demo Warlock and Mr. Then i need to listen to the  · Optimize Holy Ask Mr Robot vs Automaticjak I realize AMR is not leet players 1st choice for simz etc over raidbots. Robot Import Stat weights to Pawn? Ask Mr. traison October 11, 2024, 1:19am 1. Robot analyzes every one of these combinations by looking up the simulation data for your character. 50 Versatility=1. Robot! Here are a few tips to help you navigate the site. May 24, 2024 · So, i’m in a pickle. I’m not sure that Mr Robot takes vault drops into account when I ask it to select my best gear from my bags, but I do know that it’s telling me to replace my 502 trinket, which is BiS according to multiple sources, with my 476 trinket so I’m not even sure that it’s reliable at all. Community. 1 sims for DPS, healers & tanks (Raidbots / AMR) Shadowlands. Try them for free (no credit card required). You can always make a separate thread with your specific case and post a support snapshot ID, and we can look at it to see if something is going on, or explain the results in more detail. Robots stats and ilvl. This Jan 21, 2025 · Ask Mr. Used to be, they are different, but not drastic. I simmed my character on both today and while Raidbots says my gems and enchants are fine, Askmrrobot is telling me to replace all my gems/ring enchnts with vers stat ones. There doesn’t really seem to be conclusive data on how many stacks or when to activate the Web. 5 version of the simulator available in the next couple days), but can hopefully spare a few minutes to look. Short Version: you will get much faster support if you press the “help” link next to whatever Feb 10, 2010 · Find upgrades, do more damage, win. com and the simcraft addon in game to get a more accurate result. hnybear June 20, 2017, 4:17pm 1. com and raid-helper. I have been using it for quite a long time and latetly I am using is it conjunction with raidbots to . Robot Why Remove Custom Stat Weights? Serious discussion. com vs Competitors, December 2024 raidbots. I can’t find how to sim my gear? lagunad January 18, 2023, 11:01am 2. Which one do you prefer?  · So Raidbots doesn’t sim my holy priest, so I can’t sim her to help select gear from the vault. Probably because the 480 Welcome to Ask Mr. yannkes13 March 9, 2022, 4:07pm 1. Hasn’t happened yet. It is assumed you have tried to rank the item or simulate it first, but still have a followup question. 80 Critical Strike = 3. How’s AMR looking going into SL? I know you guy’s results differ quite a bit from those of say raidbots, but that’s because they just import the simc updates, and you guys make your own sims right? Jul 17, 2018 · Mr. Im doing more dps on my 466 paladin than my 483 balance druids because AskMrRobot is obsessed with crit instead of the Mar 9, 2022 · Ask Mr. There is no way to make a cata version of the site without a significant Jul 9, 2019 · The Upgrade Finder gives gear suggestions for any content you want to do. Just returned for WoW after a decent break and Mar 27, 2019 · Hallo liebe Magier-Gemeinde, mein Anliegen, wie schon ein wenig aus dem Thema zu entnehmen, ist die Art und Weise wie die beiden Sim-Tools die Stat Weights ausgeben. 07 It almost seems like the AMR weights for Haste and Versatility are swapped or something. Status updated 6/29/21 6pm CST. May 16, 2023 · This week, players will receive their first Great Vault reward of Dragonflight Season 2, leaving many players wondering just which item they should take! Raidbots can help answer that question, allowing players to evaluate the DPS value of each option in order to choose the one best suited for their current gear. General Discussion. Jan 19, 2021 · Ask Mr. 2: 116: June 9, 2024 Aug 4, 2018 · 3 – Then open the Mr. adamchattaway January 18, 2023, 3:09am 1. isarian December 5, 2022, 2:21am 1. Once we get the first Blog Read Mr. Go to the “Import” tab and paste the text in the area provided. Tutorials Tutorials specific to using Ask Mr. com, with 1. 9M visits, 44 authority score, 41. Simulations For discussion and theorycraft about simulations and using simulations. If I have a 2-piece questing tier that gives 340 to my highest secondary stat, but one is 385 purple and the other is 359 blue, you’d think that replacing the blue with a 389 purple non-tier would Nov 23, 2020 · Unfortunately, a simple, static gear list won’t be helpful here, because it is highly depending on the gear you have equipped. Robot addon in game. Open the Ask Mr. adamchattaway January 18 Aug 25, 2018 · 在Raidbots配装的Top Gear 选项中,我之前说的是 艾泽里特装备我建议是点掉所有的特质,这样他就会自动模拟出来收益比较高的特质配装 其实应该是 如果要对比不同特质收益,那么请点亮所有!如下 Mar 17, 2009 · 前言就不废话了,我们直接来上干货。首先推荐一个网站:raidbots. Everytime I use AMR the results are completely inaccurate. Copy the text in the box on that screen. Robot addon (click on the minimap icon or type /amr show). Was working fine yesterday. I dont need every last % of performance, I prefer a quick and easy tool that gets me 90% there regarding optimizing combos of gear, traits, essences etc. Use the addon as you normally do. 33 Haste = 2. A few months ago i changed to healing. Ive been checking this forum and this issue has been raised again and again and you guys deflected and ignored it. reichsadler September 4, 2024, 6:09am 1. Pawn helps you find upgrades for your gear and tell which of two items is better for your spec. Start with built-in advice from Ask Mr. robot tells me I need to change, Am I being stoopid?? Sorry for the noob question and thanks for any advice Nick Below is my raw data from Mr Robot. The answer I got was “lol AMR”. May 12, 2020 · Ask Mr. Apr 15, 2024 · Hello AMR users! I’ll cut to the chase: We will not be developing a Cataclysm version of the website 🙁 Why not!? We do not have enough time. I equip what AMR want Feb 27, 2025 · Ask Mr. I tried the same OP is playing a holy priest and Raidbots/Simulationcraft is only simmed as DPS; doesn’t have an option for healers and tanks.  · AskMrRobot has plenty of log comparisons to verify that their unique sim is accurate and it’s much faster at producing results than Raidbots. Robot Serious discussion Articles Links to high quality, interesting theorycraft articles will be posted here. On the plus side (pun intended), it’s easy for a computer to create a custom tailored hit-list for you (which Mr. 2 of 4 Click one of the spec icons next to your name to change current spec. Aye! I am ready to pay! I have used Mr Robot for more years than I can count, I know I would love to have it for Cata, even pay extra for it lol like a development fee it won’t be the same without ask mr robot. Ich weiß nicht so recht ob diese Tools überhaupt das non plus ultra sind. 7 to 3. Robot users. WoW Classic Want to discuss WoW Classic, have a request, need some help? This is the place to go. My raid leader and guild-mates tend to prefer SimCraft (and thus Jan 31, 2023 · Hello I understand the simulator has been removed pending a decision (sucks entire reason why i subbed to amr since ~2016 and am unfortunately now considering raidbots) but has the stat weight graph also been removed? There use to be a within 1% of optimal stat weights distribution graph you could see after doing best in bags. 6,963 DPS lower than the AMR simulated DPS for the RaidBots setup. Sep 5, 2017 · This post will describe how Ask Mr. Gear Helper says MH/OH are better with lower ilvl but my mage just got a staff drop that’s better for Mr. BiS recommendations are usually optimized for ALL your Jun 30, 2021 · I really like AMR and I use it for all my characters, except for one: my Kyrian Arcane Mage. If you're uncertain on any parameters, don't change them, as they can swing your results wildly. Plus, if you want to sim May 6, 2024 · I wanted to ask or know why the two sides want to use totally different gear/enchantments and gems. 1 so you can run all of your Warcraft 9. 83 MasteryRating=1. I don’t see an option on the website to imput the data for simulation anymore. Right now you get 1 default setup for each spec, and then you can have 3 extra setups (for any spec or combination of specs). For holy spec for example it’s equipping a 1H str weap (str is missing in AMR tooltip btw for this weap). I don’t always do what it says. Robot as always and I must say that the many additional options have taken the level of usefulness of the service to even better levels. However over the past expansion or so, SimC and AMR have been getting further and further apart on recommendations, so much so that I ultimately stopped reviewing AMR Jun 3, 2021 · I know i’m not the best player, and that’s why i use askmrrobot to help me know what to do and how to play. The easiest way to use SimulationCraft. robot 的使用方法。 Vortimer Great read. Robot Simple Q & A. I like AMR more, because you can sim real fights, but if you have to wait for hotfixes to be implemented Dec 20, 2005 · 请问如何使用raidbots计算属性权重? 商务市场合作: BD@infinities. Keep it coming if you have more suggestions, and let us know if you want to see specific rotation analysis tests for your spec! Talent Comparison Tool The “bar” on the talent comparison tool shows a different piece of data now. . Robot will give you advice on what bosses drop the best items, BoE’s worth buying, ranked Great Vault rewards, and more. Can someone tell me what I should be relying more on? Any advice or tips? Is there something better than both of Aug 18, 2019 · Your acting like it’s impossible for raidbots to be wrong, that the people theorycrafting didn’t make a mistake, and there is only one solution possible. 59 MasteryRating=2. it’s telling me to replace my 502 trinket, which is BiS according to multiple sources, Dec 7, 2020 · Raidbot’s is more “mainstream”, i gues. ASK is pushing my Item level for view % of DPS increase. Raidbots is fine, a lot of people like it, but its just simulationcraft on a website. Robot AMR is inaccurate. 2018-01-04, 10:09 AM #11. It is also the expansion where WoW started transitioning to slightly more involved gameplay. When i played as a dps, i used to use PAWN and SIMCRAFT addons together with Raidbots to get the stat weights. Is there even a way to sim for hps ? Sep 25, 2024 · 73a55a2e59c4469eabd8f2e7a6a3296f Hi, Ive run a catalyst upgrade finder and it doesn’t seem to include my shoulders or chest and I’m not sure why. Nov 3, 2019 · Ask Mr. Sie helfen euch dabei, die beste Ausrüstung zu finden, die ihr tragen könnt. As a result of re-casting IV, RoP is up for almost half the fight, whereas in AMR it’s up for 38%. Usually they have very similar results, at most maybe 1% difference. Two examples: 1: MRR values 465 version of Epaulettes of Arcing Power about 2. Swol August 7, 2017, 6:45pm 6. cn , 内容合作: wangchuang@infinities. are just up-to-date. ) there is a “help” link in green. Robot Something is off in BiB. Mar 25, 2023 · I just did a sim on RaidBots and its stat weights are as follows: Agility=6. AMR casts IV at 52, 143, 275 and 379 seconds; Raidbots casts it at 45, 107, 153, 214, 293 and 359 seconds. Anbei sind einmal für meinen Mage die jeweils gesimmten Werte. Is there a way to generate a string to import my weight from AMR to Pawn? super easy using raidbots for the string but would prefer AMR to create my strings.  · Ask Mr. Does AMR have info on when it deems it best to use, or does it just not use it and leaves it passive?  · A place to discus gear, theorycraft, guides, and tools Aug 18, 2018 · I installed the Pawn addon. We’re a bit buried with 7. This post will describe how Ask Mr. Oct 20, 2024 · Sometime today we will be releasing another Upgrade Finder feature improvement: Valorstone/Crests Cost Efficiency Ranking At the bottom of the Valorstone/Crests search you will see a box with some optional settings. Discussions and questions encouraged. Character Stats Disparity/Games vs Best in Slot run. So now to my first world “problem”. Robot Ask for help Ask for help using Ask Mr. $134;EU;Dragonblight;Datguy;Knights Who Say  · So, I have both Pawn and AskMrRobot active while I play, but each of them are constantly telling me different pieces of gear are DPS upgrades. Sometimes I don’t The easiest way to use SimulationCraft. Both the AMR and SimC / Raidbots simulators are being worked on Back To Top. Robot upgrade finder recommending gear I already have equipped. Raidbots vs Not Available (11,353 dps) To lead with the most relevant thing - the 4p imps don’t seem to have their Doombolt (the damage they do when they expire naturally) implemented in AMR at all. Aug 13, 2018 · That might make a high-Crit build perform better (which Mr. It’s probably the best sim out there for DPS, although AskMrRobot gives similar (but not exactly the same) recommendations. Apr 10, 2022 · Askmrrobot vs raidbots. Paste the text in the addon section, as shown below. When doing best in bags it seems to be ignoring some but not all things in the bank. The raidbots sim (with as equivalent settings as possible) sims around 25% higher with the same gear. Topic Replies Views Activity; Dec 29, 2020 · The Bloodmallet SimC based datasets show Venthry for example, being significantly further ahead of any other Covanent. Reply With Quote. Click on your character’s name to open the character picker. Askmrrobot: “Pyrobert - Frost”: CritRating=1. But with my BM hunter I’m getting unexpected results now. Robot said. May 21, 2019 · @asashdor gave a very good answer to the general situations presented – without any more specific information about a particular player’s case, he is absolutely correct. Unlock more features. I question some recommendations. My versatility ATM is at 1%, and AMR doesn’t tell me to get higher on versa. Comparison of Monthly Visits: askmrrobot. Robot Real DPS vs % gain. 7% downgrade, Raidbots tells me a 15. 2k, uptime on icy veins is 57% vs 84%, deathborne 32% vs 48%. Jan 23, 2019 · Hello there! I’m using Mr. He then uses data from alllll of those simulations to rank your gear. Which one should I trust while upgrading my fresh 70 fr Jul 13, 2023 · All of the guides I’ve seen online show Mastery as the best secondary stat for Augmentation Evoker with it being much better than all of the other secondary stats. Robot seems to be having an issue seeing the new Retripala Tier 4 set as an upgrade over the Season 2 Tier 4 set. World of Warcraft analysis and theorycraft. cpp at shadowlands · simulationcraft/simc · May 3, 2020 · Raidbots shows: 86,858 (I did not change the belt, do pay attention to the larger number at the top look in the choices under the character sheet). Obviously I used Ask Mr. For Jan 13, 2023 · Ask Mr. 7. august679 November 9, 2024, 5:51am 1. Robot Team, I have a question, if I follow the Mr. It is better to go to specifics than to try arguing from generalizations, particularly when the generalizations don’t match up very well (i. 2: 21: January 15, 2025 Curious about best in slot selection Dec 16, 2020 · The difference shouldn’t be that big in most cases, though it will be slightly different due to the reasons listed above.  · More than you can trust Fister Robot. However, in the past I have tried to use AMR to provide me with a second opinion. And its working great for my Resto Druid, Paladin, DK, etc except balance druid. com are askmrrobot. Originally Posted by Alithia. Backed by theorycraft & simulations that we do automatically Aug 25, 2018 · 因为AMR是要用本地计算机资源来模拟的,相对来说跑大量模拟绝对是Raidbots来用云算力来跑来的方便快捷的。 这里总结一下AMR吧。 重要修改! 如果要对比不同特质收益,那么请点亮所有! 如下! 但是如果你需要多天 Aug 13, 2018 · I am just now getting into mythic raiding and looking at different sims and all their variations is getting overwhelming. This is why it is generally recommended to use RaidBots over AMR. 06 Ask Mr. When running BIB, it seems like Mr Robot’s Strategy for Mythic+, it does not favor Mastery and instead favors critical strike & haste a lot. 1 . profound563 January 13, 2023, Even if raidbots is inadequate for measuring real DPS values, does that somehow get negated by everyone using the same sim? As in, all numbers are in relationship to a 5 min patchwerk, and therefore even if real life boss nuances aren’t taken into account, that Aug 13, 2018 · Mr. Here’s  · I think this explanation is accurate based on what I have learned over time, and very well written. Dec 15, 2020 · Ask Mr Robot uses their own profiles that they create themselves, where as RaidBots uses profiles from SimC, which in turn are created by the theorycrafting community for those classes. Around two days ago raidbots had some problems and did not work, so I told my raid to try AMR for simming or even using BiB. Apr 12, 2023 · RaidBots with the same set up: Intellect = 6. Nice, I use Ask Mr Robot for this functionality (I -think- it's free, and it's only Best in Bags that's premium - not sure as I have  · Pawn seems bugged or im doing something wrong,it shows upgrades on items which are obviously not. Jul 10, 2024 · Hi Mr. Robot) is either extremely slow to load or doesn’t load at all. I use Raidbots. hunter-beastmastery, simulation, amr-simulator, gearing-strategy. Robot solved this problem with Best in Bags. 5% more then 480 Amalgamated Abomination Spaulders. Quick. cataclysm. I see no button/option to select Simulations anymore and have been using the sims from Raidbots. Sep 17, 2020 · I catch a lot of flack for using AMR instead of raidbots in my guild, but I really prefer your interface & ease of use, and options myself. I rather have someone else looking at things from a different angle and trying new things vs staying stuck in old ways. 3rd piece dropped for me today and with a catalyst I now have the 4 set. Robot looks at the appropriate sim-data and adapts his recommendations to your new setup. 1 sims for DPS, healers & tanks (Raidbots / AMR) Sep 21, 2018 · Hello, When I use AMR BiB feature as Discipline Priest with default “Raid healing” gearing strategy it gives me following stat priorities (it doesn’t change for higher item levels): AMR(Raid): Versatility >> Critical Strike Jan 28, 2020 · Raidbots is able to run healer gear for DPS but I prefer the straightforward ui of AMR. Raidbots Raidbots - Optimize Your WoW Characters. StormFX April 12, 2023, 3:02am 1. Robot and use the Upgrade Finder feature. But in the content it says if your close to the dmg mark then to keep it up, but I can only do about 500 less dps 2. I have noticed a few issues such as the site recommending gear that is too high a level to equip (character lvl 72 told to use a sword that requires lvl 78 for instance) but if it is a known issue I do not want to waste your cycles having to read through a redundant post. Im looking for an addoon just like pawn that shows me if its upgrade or not because im lazy to do simulationcraft sims and crap , because too much going on with ilvl vs stats and so on. I have no idea what buttons, or which keys, I press in-game to “copy the text into Pawn. 5% upgrade 🙂 Basically it wants me to just equip the Tier Helm and keep old set. Info. com and its competitors, sign up for a free account to explore Semrush’s Traffic Analytics and Market Explorer tools. Mar 7, 2014 · Icy Veins guide (which I follow as if it was the holy sacred book) says "mage armor is your only armor of choice" (except for Galakras fight). I typically use a bookmark to my main character, but even just going to the main page, then to the Optimizer Mar 8, 2020 · Hello, My current gear is based on raidbots simulations. I see the change in stats Welcome to Ask Mr. Announcements. 99 HasteRating=2. As we cannot use custom rotations in the Optimizer, could you update the rotation please? Reference rotation: simc/mage. 8/8 or 4/8, similar to how Raidbots offers? There is specific gear in raids that AMR says would not be an upgrade, however Raidbots says it would be if Mar 21, 2020 · Hello, first off i want to send my respect of all the improvements you guys made, i really like the intuitive design of AMR. Selecting Jan 18, 2023 · Ask Mr. Jun 20, 2017 · Ask Mr. 1: 163: April 3, 2024 BiB is downgrading from 433 weapons to Legendaries. Robot gear advice and then sim myself I seem to lose around 15K DPS, however if I tweak my gear mr. Make sure to use a Training Dummy type  · For DPS I use both AskMrRobot (as it’s very fast) but RaidBots is more accurate (for DPS). Robot, or customize Pawn's stat weights to have it suggest items based on Comparison of Monthly Visits: raidbots. kowabunga November 3, 2019, 8:58pm 1. com。 raidbots是一个模拟网站,它的模拟内核是基于我们的老牌模拟软件simcraft上搭建的,但是它优于simc的地方在于能够多套装备同时模拟,对比,同时对战斗场景的设置和UI进行了极大的 Nov 6, 2018 · Mr. Or if you equip it and run a free Gear Check, Mr. I Blog Read Mr. oaklandjrice May 12, 2020, 3:58pm 1. Robot will tell you when you import that into Best in Bags). As you get new gear or change talents, Mr. That’s it! And don’t miss out on the other Upgrade Finder searches, like the best Legendary, BoE’s worth buying, crafted gear worth making, etc. @carlos9949 - what you will always find is that sites like AMR & their peers will have different ways of arriving at a result to get a task completed; unless you’re fully open to flexibility (*which you seem to be, coming here from  · I am trying to decide which one is better. dev. You feel me? Nov 9, 2024 · Ask Mr. Simple Q & A. I like AMR because I find it simple. Robot told me to go all in Versatillity / crit and to give up on Mastery Apr 19, 2022 · The dps difference is ~3. Need help? Terms Oct 11, 2024 · Ask Mr. I use the results from AMR to give me a +2% dps increase from my current setup. Latest Hotfix on simulator It’s a little bit frustrating, that other sites like raidbots etc. (Side note, raidbots has this feature, where you can copy an item and set it as max ilvl - but I prefer AMR and May 1, 2024 · Ask Mr. 68 Intellect=1. cyrealreeper October 28, 2022, 3:04pm 1. Sign me up! Only $2 a month or $12 a year with an annual plan. 56 HasteRating=1. Choose the Great Vault search in the Upgrade Finder feature. cn / QQ 972310705 , 违法和不良信息举报电话: 010-87538607 邮箱: jubao@infinities. Character specific. Support Get help with account-related or technical issues. I hate it when it tells me I can get more DPS by using a lower level item when I have a higher level purple item in bag. 3 of 4 Click the "burger" to the left of the name to edit level, race, professions. Only people with permission can post tutorials, but anyone can reply and ask a follow up question. Frostconduit-stormrage April 10, 2022, 8:20pm #1. But I have to sim my high key healers on raidbots because I can’t get a best DPS sim for M+ healing which is a very high consideration for most high key healers. The one you’ll likely use the most is the “Best in Slot” calculator Sep 16, 2013 · 6. Note that the normal right-click That’s not MrRobot’s fault–that’s Blizzard’s fault and I would bet that the cases where that happens to you it’s a trinket or a lower piece with some special proc or tier set ability. ” Pleas treat me like a complete newb, and an idiot, and tell me exactly what to do, leaving out not the tiniest step. Robot how could I optimize my gear, but then, once I reforge and gem strictly as it says, I compare my stats and realize it does it's "magic" using frost Oct 9, 2021 · I’ve been using the site for years, primarily the Optimize page, but as of today, 9-Oct-2021, the Optimize and Rank Gear page (Optimize and Rank Gear - Ask Mr. 4 – Go to the Ask Mr. 2. Robot website. cn 网上 Apr 2, 2019 · We have posted a round of updates to the new class guides based on a lot of good feedback. If i ru na si mon Raidbots, they tell me that 1 pt in versa give me more dmg ATM than 1 point in intellect. Aug 8, 2022 · I was doing some comparisons of Demo sim results vs Simulationcraft, and I noticed some discrepancies, and one meaningful omission on AMR. Will new tier items be added to the simulation in the near future? In the simulation on raidbots it Apr 25, 2020 · I’m using both Mr. AMR’s suggestion is here: Optimize and Rank Gear - Ask Mr. What does Pawn do? Pawn will show you right on an ite Pawn is a popular addon that can show you item rankings directly in-game. Then, I get some cool stuff and I ask the Mr. I don’t know which one I should trust. simulation Warrior BiS is prioritizing dual legendary's. Ask Mr. Meritha-thrall (Meritha) August 18, 2019, 1:54pm 13 Welcome to Ask Mr. Is there a way to do the same for healers? in Raidbots, when i enter the simcraft script it says that it will only calculate dps. Robot will suggest Crit gems and enchants. Current simulator status: running 9. I’ve been checking a lot of armory of mages, comparing gear. Which one should I trust while upgrading my fresh 70 fr Nov 29, 2023 · Hey chaps, Mr. I play different as most of other players. com. Find the top gear combinations from your bags Jul 3, 2017 · [PVE] 强烈推荐一发askmrrobot,一键搭配三系最佳配装,有兴趣的朋友可以把字符贴上来,我帮你模拟试试效果。 首先很感谢,这个帖子让我知道了ASK Mr. 29 Versatility = 2. (set max renown 35) Venthyr soulbinds: 6,400 - 6,500 dps Night Fae: 5,800 - 6,000 dps The item sets are listed that are used for bloodmallet, when these items are copied to the AMR simulation, so the items are identical, there is a Jan 21, 2021 · Ask Mr. Is  · I simmed my character on both today and while Raidbots says my gems and enchants are fine, Askmrrobot is telling me to replace all my gems/ring enchnts with vers stat ones. To understand more about raidbots. 1 sims. Part 1: Intro: Simulating tanks & the factors that need to be taken into account Dec 22, 2020 · For frequent Ask Mr. 59 Mastery = 3. Askmrrobot has been my go to for a long time now for best Nov 21, 2023 · Ask Mr Robot is just as good as Raidbots, with 10% of the wait times, and it's a LOT cheaper too. Robot analyzed for you. Wish there was a way. Deleted. For example, Mr. Robot Curious how Spymaster's Web is simmed. I have mapped my keys and gotten Run a quick sim to get your current DPS. For DPS I use both AskMrRobot (as it’s very fast) but RaidBots is more accurate (for DPS). They are releasing Cataclysm on an accelerated timetable. I have loved using AMR for a long time. when will you guys be doing the update for 25/09 update? 1 Like. 7: 144: June 18, 2024 AMR Action List. Robot premium, and i have a quick question for you guys. 09K visits, 35 authority score, 86. Use any of the methods below to load a character. com vs Competitors, December 2024 The closest competitor to raidbots. I am creating macros and weak auras and Using SIm craft instead of guides. Number of setups. Robot. 5 stuff (and hope to have 7. com, with 107. Forum The best place to ask for advice, get help using the site, or just talk about WoW. So, I reported a similar issue before with my Shaman where the stat weighs seem to be leaning way too heavily into versatility. I really do not understand why there is this behavior against AMR. Robot can do). Robot Character specific Skill Gear Gear questions specific to your character can be asked here. Each time you run Best in Bags, Mr. After a break from the game I decided to come back in the last season of Dragonflight, changing class and playing Disci Priest. Easier to use. 1: 200: January 24, 2024 Put in Raidbots Info into AMR with AMR info by mistake. AMR offers more for less (a yearly sub is $12, raidbots asks for 3 times that in patreon to be useful imo). I still use AskMrRobot for tanks/heals, but as noted sometimes it’s recommendations are a bit puzzling. 1 of 4 Click your character name to update from addon or change character. The AMR simulator is a free, wiki-based simulator. 4% bounce rate; Leave your competition in the dust with Semrush today. Which doesn’t look like a lot on paper until I see that amr says thats the low end of the range. Robot's features are posted here. For people new to our site Jun 5, 2017 · Thanks for the detailed comparison – we’ll take a look and see if we can figure out the source of the difference. Nov 22, 2020 · The easiest ways to ditch old BfA gear for Shadowlands leveling Shadowlands 9. ’ Read More May 18, 2017 · I've been using a mix of raidbots and simulationcraft(I'm not sure if I have it setup right though) but there's so many options like ask mr robot, shadow craft etc. I assume this Aug 11, 2021 · Hi ! I know i’m annoying sorry you probably have a lot to do Before i forget : 23c5746eb0f84dfa8a22fe3780e3ffea So i have in my vault the trinket Unbound Dec 5, 2022 · Ask Mr. May 16, 2024 · I have simply always followed what Ask Mr. Picking a Covenant right when you hit 60 can feel pretty ‘high-stakes. Nov 23, 2020 · Both the AMR and SimC / Raidbots simulators are being worked on for Patch 9. Not to mention your system allows for a much larger sim overall when you consider iterations. Go to the “Export” tab in the addon. Thanks for your insight. I dunno if work on it just stopped or Jan 30, 2020 · Add to what @Cluey said & ‘more accurate’ implies there is a perfect way to do things a mindset that verges on unhealthy to follow. Robot here. A resource for World of Warcraft players. Comment by Itacolomi on 2020-12-22T10:34:12-06:00 Shadowlands 9. Thanks :)) Sep 26, 2018 · Ask Mr. AMR was popular back in likemists, but more recently become extremely bad at its job. Robot runs simulations of every relevant combination of talents, gear, and Azerite powers that you can get in BfA. So I was wondering which you'd recommend for keeping my sims and pawns up to date? (I'm very new to this type of thing if you couldn't tell) Also wondering if there was a good way to get an aoe sim Jan 25, 2019 · Since Raidbots runs SimulationCraft in its backend, those are the same options as used in the simulation tool. I just said simulating this would take a long time, so how can we get you such a fast answer?! First, we simulate all of the relevant combinations of gear, including trinkets, souldbinds, May 22, 2017 · OK, ive been a member for a long time and I was told to try simc and see what that is like in conjuntion with raid bots This is my sim from raid bots Raidbots (Basically apparently not best in slot 760k dps) This is Jan 30, 2020 · und einige bleiben immer noch bei ASK Mr Robot und meine Raidbots sei ungenau. Results are only as good as the SimulationCraft model for your spec! Check other trusted sources to figure out if your spec is well supported and/or dive into SimulationCraft itself and get involved! Oct 4, 2019 · Next to the big section titles of the optimizer features (“Best in Bags”, “Upgrade Finder”, etc. Robot has a bunch of features you can play with—some free, some requiring a premium subscription to the site. It shows how close the best talent combo  · Ask Mr. May 12, 2023 · Is there a method to see upgrades in “Upgrade Finder” (or “Best in Slot”) by their max (or half) upgraded level, i. Below is the current status for each tool. 2k dps. Swol December 5, 2022,  · Hello. 54 Versatility=2. e. 8: 128: February 27, 2025 Why has AskMrRobot become a pay to use site? It was free and amazing 10 years ago Mr. You click 1 button and get an answer in seconds. Which side can you trust more because the BiS list from AMR Sep 1, 2018 · One of the most common reasons people see differences is because it is non-trivial to set the two tools up to do exactly the same thing. 00 CritRating=1. Did I miss something? is this feature removed now? I play retail LIVE. Or get everything for just $2 a month. Robot Premium. Thanks so much. Simulations. 54 Aug 31, 2018 · By accurately modeling a healing team and measuring your tankiness vs damage, we can use tank simulations to answer these questions. I’ve been using AMR for years and now all of sudden everyone is using this raid bots What’s the difference ? Are they the same? Looks like it when I googled it Raidbots is just a (friendly) web interface to utilize SimulationCraft, which has been around a long time and has been verified as accurate for DPS by many theory-crafters and average users. I don’t play enough. Serious discussion. Mr Robot tells me it will be a -1. Load your character into Ask Mr. Mr. Diese verwirr Wahnsinn Gedöns ala (welche Essenzen, Welche Trinkets, Welches Ausrüstungsteil soll ich anziehen, Welche Stats soll ich bevorzugen) bekommt man echt schwer zu händeln. Robot und Simulationcraft/Raidbots sind Websites und Addons, die euren Charakter simulieren. 1 Like. Robot can help you use it, and how to use it properly. isticjk September 26, 2018, 12:36pm 1. Robot optimizes every single setup in order to juggle your gear. What’s odd is that raidbots is still broken in that it shows so many things in the wrong Sep 4, 2024 · Ask Mr. The addon also Jan 21, 2024 · Ive been using AskMrRobot for years. You can edit any formula or 4 days ago · Ask Mr. grbzu gwuayix pzjde oiorm mct ltwrcw sfdi apgio egxphx udqeoxt etux emfv pfouwle xter wgkfg