Arth 205 mcgill syllabus. CBA Art in the Workplace .
Arth 205 mcgill syllabus. Hunter Office hours via Zoom; time(s) TBA Email: matthew.
Arth 205 mcgill syllabus 1 ARTH 202 Introduction to Contemporary Art Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Summer 2021 M, T, W, Th 11:05 am-1:25 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded and subsequently posted to myco Fall 2019 *BASC 201 (CRN 15793) (3 credits) Arts and Science Integrative Topics Prof. 1 FALL 2022 ARTH 205 - Introduction to Modern Art (CRN 1708) Instructors: Sarah Carter (sarah. MIME 250 labmanual Fall2019 [1294] Feeding Egos and Tending _____ McGill ID: _____ To graduate with a Major in Art History, the following requirements must be met: COMPLEMENTARY COURSES (36 credits) 3-15 credits from the following list, as an introduction to methods, theories, and practices in diverse fields of the discipline: ☐ ARTH 302 Aspects of Canadian Art (3 credits) ARTH 205 Introduction to Summer 2021 ARTH 200 – Introduction to Art History May 3–June 3, (MTWR from 13:35-15:55) COURSE DESCRIPTION SESSION ONE (May 3rd - May 17th) The first half of the course will focus on the art and material culture of Early and Medieval China, ranging from the second century BCE to the thirteenth century AD. It examines the development in both painting and sculpture and relates to changes in the social and political climate of McGill ID: _____ To graduate with a Joint Honours in Art History, the following requirements must be met: REQUIRED COURSES (6 credits) ARTH 400 Selected Methods in Art History (3 credits) ☐ ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) ☐ ARTH 207 Introduction Early Modern Art 1400-1700 (3 credits) McGill University. Anja Bock, Winter 2014 1 Professor: Dr. Hilsdale Teaching Assistant TBA Course description This course offers an introduction to the diverse visual cultures of th ARTH 205. kindsfather@mcgill. 3. Please see the note at the bottom of the page for more information on complementary courses. Offered in ARTH 368, McGill University, Winter 2021 Wednesday/Friday, 11:35am–12:55pm, Arts W-215 McGill University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. Location: Arts West-215. FORMS FOR FACULTY; AHCS DEPARTMENTAL CALENDAR; GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING; McGill University (Winter 2022) ARTH 315/ CANS 315: Indigenous Art and Culture. and Wed. 1211 COURSE OUTLINE What makes art official? What does it mean for art to be considered unofficial? Such. Matthew C. ca > Please include “ARTH 226” in the subject line of all email correspondence COURSE DESCRIPTION HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History 4 testing you on material from the whole course. Preliminary Syllabus (final syllabus will be available at the start of the term) ADVANCED PROFESSIONALIZATION SEMINAR ARTH 600, Fall 2020, Wednesdays, 11:35-2:25 EST Professor Cecily Hilsdale (cecily. PM-5:25 . mary hunter, arth 205 taken in the fall 2015 semester; FB 2016 Syntax Review 1; Related documents. never taken an art history class before, i have an s/u i can use though, any opinions? ARTH 302 Aspects of Canadian Art: Indigenous and Settler Photography in Canada McGill University Fall 2023 Course Instructor: Dr. The core McGill University. Course Syllabus (to be distributed in the first week of class) are not subject to modification. this syllabus and readings are designed to not be homogenous but offer diverse voices from Indigenous, Black, female, and queer scholars to complexify the writing of mostly propertied, white ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Course Description: Anthtropology ANTH 227 Medical Anthropology – Fall 2019, Summer 2020 ANTH 407 Anthropology of the Body – Winter 2020. HUM 111. View EAA Syllabus. Reilley Bishop-Stall reilley. Column 1. atkin@mail. pdf from ARTH 204 at McGill University. Julia Skelly julia@gmail **Please note Art History : The course is an introduction to the modern period in art history which begins around 1750. ARTH 205 – Introduction to Modern Art (CRN 1708) Instructors: Sarah Carter (sarah. ARTH205 fall 2016 Final Syllabus. Chriscinda Henry (chriscinda. 20 ARTH 205 Intro to Modern Syllabus - Final; Future-authoring-blank; NSCI 201 - Summary of the introductory terms, the methods and the anatomy, the somatosensory Maria Di Feo B. ca Anna-Maria Mouybayed ARTH 209 anna-maria. joachim@mcgill. luce@mcgill. McGill University McCall McBain Arts Building, Room 155 853 For the assignments in the course, we will use the McGill Visual Arts Collection (VAC) as our laboratory. ) / Chanon Kenji Praepipatmongkol (Email TBA) Schedule: Skip to Communication Studies Art History ARTH 205 - Intro to Modern Art Dr. These lists show English Department courses for 2024-2025 that fulfill requirements of the Cultural Studies, Drama & Theatre, and Literature programs, as well as complementary courses offered in other departments. Skip to document. Mary Hunter Office: Arts W (west) McGill University. 2022. ca Malcolm Sanger COMS 210 View ARTH205 Syllabus_Fall_2022_02. greene@mcgill. University Press. 2020/2021. 09. Each week, students will be introduced to several monuments and objects that highlight ARTH 502: RISK, VALUE, ACCIDENT: ART AND THE ACTUARIAL IMAGINATION [Working draft: August 26, 2020 – final draft of syllabus will be available at start of term] T 11:35-ca. ca) and peter boudreau (peter. The grading scheme/syllabus (if reviewing) What you'd like to know about the course (if requesting) Request: ARTH 205 with Julia Skelley. Liza Davis-Report. Montreal: McGill-Queens’s University Press, 2008. ARTH 205 (CRN 13874) Intro to Modern Art (3 credits) Prof. This is NOT an exhaustive list, there are many electives beyond this list available at McGill. ca > Please include “ARTH 226” in the subject line of all email correspondence COURSE DESCRIPTION This lecture course provides an introduction to the visual arts and architecture of the “long” eighteenth century (ca. ca Office The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). I will post a final exam study guide in the weeks leading up to the exam. WINTER 2018 | ARTH 353 Selected Topics in Art History 1: The Dematerialized SILVER, Erin - ARTH 345 Syllabus 17-08-17. 500 - 1700 CE). New York University Department of Art History Spring 2022 East Asian Art II (ARTH-UA 511) Course Description: The course is designed as ARTH205 fall 2016 Final Syllabus. Evgeniya Makarova / Mon. ARTH 209. Mary Hunter, T, Th, 1305-1425, Arts W-215. Jeehee Hong Course ARTH 205: Introduction to Modern Art Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Fall 2021 Arts W- Tuesday and Thursday 1:05-2:25 pm. ARTH_V 345. Angela Vanhaelen Office Hours: Wednesdays from 11:00-12:00 in ARTH 420: SELECTED TOPICS IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE Alterity and Otherness in Renaissance Art (1300-1600) Fall 2022 / Fridays 10:05am–12:55pm, Arts W-220 Prof. Durand, Guy Sioui. Art History : Surveys the arts from late Antiquity to the fourteenth century in Western Europe. holt@mcgill. : 514-398-2850 Fax: 514-398-8557 . You will be notified by e-mail when the evaluations are available. ARTH 204: INTRODUCTION TO MEDIEVAL ART AND ARCHITECTURE Winter 2022, Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:05 pm-02:25 pm, ARTS ARTH 207: Introduction to Early Modern Art Transcultural Encounter and Exchange (1300-1600) Fall 2023 / Tuesday–Thursday, 10:05-11:25pm, Arts W-215 Prof. [course medium ARTH 202] [course medium ARTH 204] [course medium ARTH 205] [course medium ARTH 207] [course medium ARTH 209] [course medium ARTH 215] [course ARTH 215/ EAST 215 Introduction to East Asian Art Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:35 AM - 9:55 AM Professor Jeehee HONG Office Hours: Tuesdays 10-11:30am Eastern Standard Time on Zoom, or by appointment jeehee. The course will be delivered remotely through pre Winter 2022 ARTH 205 – Introduction to Modern Art (CRN 1708) Instructor: Sarah Carter (sarah@mail. 1660-1860). 000 Credit hours Schedule Types: Lecture, Final Exam Faculty of Arts On this page: Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 Please note that room locations and schedules are subject to change and all details should be confirmed before the start of the class. It surveys a diverserange of Byzantine, Islamic, and European works View Notes - ARTH323 syllabus. The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. ca - In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or ARTH 315/CANS 315 Indigenous Art and Culture: Contemporary Indigenous Art in Canada McGill University, Montreal, Canada Winter 2019 Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:35-9:55 am, Arts W-215 Instructor: Dr. Bachelor of Arts and Science. pdf. 2 McGill University is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Realism and Impressionism. Sophia Art History 1 Milestone 1. SILVER, Erin - ARTH 345 Syllabus 17-08-17. ca. Art History : A critical examination of contemporary art from Abstract Expressionism to Pop art, Minimalism, Conceptual art, Land art, and Body art. You complete the internship at the host institution before doing the course at McGill, which is currently offered . Academic year: 2015/2016. ca 514. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. Fall 2024 ARTH 205 (CRN 1242) Introduction to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Find ARTH study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. ) - The liaison librarian for the department is David Greene: david. ARTH 305 Methods in Art History (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. View Notes - ARTH205 fall 2016 Final Syllabus from ARTH 205 at McGill University. docx. ” In In Search of Expo 67, edited by Survey of English Lit I Syllabus; Lecture notes, lecture all - Prof. hilsdale@mcgill. “The Indians of Canada Pavilion. The Kanien’kehá:ka or Mohawk Wednesday, Jan. 1840 - 1880. Assistant Professor Email: Maria@mcgill Office location / office hours: 680 Sherbrooke Room 190 3 Communication plan: In-person Office hours: By appointment Fall 2018 ARTH 205 (CRN 20536) Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) Robin Lynch and Evgeniya Makarova, WF, 16:05-17:25, Arts W-215 This introductory course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of art, architecture and design produced mainly - although not exclusively - in Western Europe and North America between the 1850s and the 1950s. ca _____ McGill ID: _____ To graduate in the Honours Program in Art History, the following requirements must be met: REQUIRED COURSES (6 credits) ☐ ARTH 400 Selected Methods in Art History (3 credits) ☐ ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) ☐ ARTH 207 Introduction Early Modern Art 1400-1700 (3 credits) The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). ARTH 205. If you These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies at McGill (ideally in your first year), by passing a McGill placement exam, or by receiving exemptions based on your pre-McGill coursework. The core courses offered within the program focus on engaging with Indigenous knowledge systems and societies from within, in ways that promote the resurgence Course Description This course explores the concept of sacred space in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean (ca. It examines the development in both painting and sculpture and relates to changes in ARTH 205 - Introduction to Modern Art. It examines the development in both painting and sculpture and relates to changes in the social and political climate of the times. NOTE: It is possible that some granted Information for instructors Course Readings Service requests Class screening requests Looking for materials on course reserve? Just search below, access the e-books online or jot down the call number and take it to the loans desk of the appropriate library. Mary ARTH 353: Selected Topics in Art History 1 Canadian Art, Racism and Resistance Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Fall 2020 Tuesday and Thursday 2:35-3:55 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded and subsequently posted to mycourses Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture (ARTH 209) McGill University McCall McBain Arts Building, Room 155 853 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G5 Tel. 15:05 Arts W-215 Prof. We will take advantage of actual projects underway at the VAC: an upcoming survey of the collection, tours for groups, and an exhibition. Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. hunter3@mcgill. (including weekends). University of British Columbia. ARTH 339 Critical Issues - Contemporary Art (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire de l’art et études en communication (Arts et service social) McGill University. Art History : The course is an introduction to the modern period in art Email: matthew. ARTH 205 9 Documents; Find your course. ARTH205: Introduction to [Working draft: August 26, 2020 – final draft of syllabus will be available at start of term] Wednesday/Friday, 14:35-ca. Cecily Hilsdale, M, W, 1435-1555, Arts W-215. Mary Hunter, ARTH 205 taken in the fall 2015 semester thursday, september 10, 2015 arth introduction to modern art lecture modern art and modernity: when McGill University. makarova@mcgill. Anja Bock Lectures: Wednesdays and Fridays 14h30 – 16h00, Arts W215 Office hours: Fridays 13h00-14h00, Arts W î ò ì (Dr. Solutions Available. Uploaded by: Comp 202 Syllabus Fall 2019; SOCI 250 - Course Outline - Winter 2023; Lecture notes - all lectures; Sample/practice exam ARTH 353: Selected Topics in Art History 1 Canadian Art, Racism and Resistance Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Fall 2020 Tuesday and Thursday 2:35-3:55 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded and subsequently posted to mycourses Overview. McGill University; 10 Documents; 0 Questions & Answers; ARTH 204. Saisissez vos mots-clés . hong@mcgill. Gabriella Coleman, T, TH, 1435-1525, ENGTR 0100 (plus 5 conferences) This course introduces students to a range of issues concerning hacking, openness, and anonymity in science and technology though the angle of controversies. Julia Skelly Course delivery guide (pdf) Syllabus (pdf) ARTH 215 - Intro to East Asian Art Prof. ca Teaching Assistant: Braden Scott Office Hours: TBA braden. ca) Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 11:35-12:25, Arts W-215 In this introductory class we will go over the course syllabus and course requirements in ARTH 353: Selected Topics in Art History 1 Canadian Art, Racism and Resistance Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Fall 2020 Tuesday and Thursday 2:35-3:55 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded and subsequently posted to mycourses On this page: About Advanced Placement (AP) examinations and transfer credit | AP subject exams and exemptions About Advanced Placement (AP) examinations and transfer credit Advanced standing is granted for Advanced Placement (AP) examination results of '4' or better, to a maximum of 30 credits and subject to faculty rules. pdf from ARTH-UA MISC at New York University. eCalendar. McGill University, Fall Semester 2010. pdf from ARTH 374 at Concordia University. ARTH-Lecture Notes. r/mcgill. 5: Syllabus and Scope of Course Friday, Jan. METHODS IN ART HISTORY (ARTH 305) Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University Dr. 615 ARTH 374 65-78. are one of the ways that McGill works towards maintaining and improving the quality of courses and the student’s learning experience. Dr. Julia Skelly Class times: Monday and Wednesday 10:05-11:25 am Montreal time The course will be taught with Zoom via mycourses (the links will be emailed to students Fall 2020 ARTH 205 (CRN 17738) (3 credits) Introduction to Modern Art Dr. ca COURSE DESCRIPTION: “Resources” section at the end of the syllabus. bock2@mcgill. Hunter Office: Arts W-250 (office hours: TBA) In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have McGill ID: _____ To graduate with a Minor in Art History, the following requirements must be met: COMPLEMENTARY COURSES (18 credits) 3-15 credits from the following list, as an introduction to methods, theories, and practices in diverse fields of the discipline: ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) View ARTH374_Syllabus_Winter2025_15jan2025. It examines the development in both painting and sculpture and relates to changes in the social and political climate of ARTH 353 / CRN 1198 / Totalitarian Art and Architecture / 3 credits. ARTH 225 Intro to Seventeenth-Century Art: Bodies and Power in and beyond Western Europe _ Fall 2023 Wed/Fri from 13:05 to 14:25 pm in Arts W-215 Prof. None. Art History : The course is an introduction to the modern period in art consideration when considering the museum internship course (ARTH 490). Lecture Schedule Below you will find a list of lecture topics and ARTH 354: Selected Topics in Art History 2 Latin American Art and the Violence of Modernism Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Fall 2020 Monday and Wednesday 11:35 am-12:55 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded and subsequently posted to mycourses Syllabus for Winter 2022 arth 204: introduction to medieval art and architecture winter 2022, tuesdays thursdays 1:05 pm, arts professor hilsdale teaching. 13:00 Prof. ca TA: Anne-Sophie Garcia Fall 2024 COURSE LECTURER COURSE EMAIL Evgeniya Makarova ARTH 205 evgeniya. A. (N. Mary Hunter Office: ARTH 205. ), M. Concordia University Department of Art History Winter 2025 Tuesdays 11:45 am - 2:30 pm EV 1. McGill honours, recognizes and respects these nations as the ARTH 204 w22 MEDIEVAL Syllabus Draft. 35-9. mary hunter, arth 205 taken in the fall 2015 semester; FB 2016 Syntax Review 1; CHEM 203 Midterm 2 Review Notes; MIME 250 labmanual Fall2019 [1294] Readings POST Midterm Studying Arth 202 Introduction to Contemporary Art at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 19 lecture notes, practice materials, summaries, mandatory Syllabus. This course offers an introduction to major artistic monuments of the medieval world from thefourth to the fifteenth century in both the eastern and western Mediterranean. Instructors: Jacqueline Atkin (jacqueline. [course medium ARTH 204] [course medium ARTH 205] [course medium ARTH 207] [course medium ARTH 209] [course ARTH 411 (CRN 17747 – 3 credits) Canadian Art and Race: Black Canadian Art Histories Session: Fall 2020 Number of credits: 3 Time: Friday, 2:35 pm – 5:25 pm Instructor: Dr. 2020/2021 None. ca Weekly meetings: Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:05-5:25 View ARTH 204 w22 MEDIEVAL Syllabus Draft. Cultural Studies Drama and Theatre Literature Courses in Other Departments Cultural Studies This list comprises 2024-25 courses in the Department of ARTH323 syllabus. scott@mail. Save. ca Davin Luce ARTH 215 davin. Focuses on the body and space to introduce artistic and architectural concepts, practices, and styles from the Clicking on the title of each course will reveal information from the McGill University e-calendar, including a short description, the term offered, and the name of the professor or lecturer. Please click on the course Syllabus biol 389 2014 biol 389 laboratory in neurobiology essential information the purpose of this course is to give students direct experience with the Prof. ARTH323 Realism and Impressionism: Picturing Reality in the Age of Impressionism Prof. moubayed@mcgill. ca Office Hours: Thursdays 12 PM – 1:30PM EST on zoom. Art History : A critical survey of contemporary art and theory, from 1945 to the present focusing on pivotal issues such as anti-war politics, feminism, sexual diversity, AIDS awareness, discourse of multiculturalism, debates about modernism and postmodernism, post colonialism, technology, and globalization. 7: Art, Artists, and the Marketplace Reading: ARTH 225 Syllabus Fall 2023. ca) McGill University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. Chriscinda Henry Office: Arts W-240 Email: chriscinda. It examines the development in both painting and sculpture This document outlines the syllabus for an online Introduction to Modern Art course at McGill University during the winter 2022 semester. Strayer University. shapiro@mail. CBA Art in the Workplace McGill University, Winter Term 2021 Wednesday and Friday 2:35-3:55pm EST via zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded, and posted to mycourses. 2 pages. McGill University. pdf from ARTH 225 at McGill University. The class takes a broad view of the meanings of hacking, ARTH 202 syllabus (Skelly Summer 2021) 2. Focuses on the development and critique of modernism, the Survey of English Lit I Syllabus; Lecture notes, lecture all - Prof. / 4:05 . boudreau@mail. ca) Office hours: Arts W-240, Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment via email TA: Emily Silbergeld, Email: emily. henry@mcgill. Tuesday/Thursday, 8. Mary Hunter Office: Arts W 115a Office ARTH205 fall ARTH 205 - Introduction to Modern Art. mcgill. _april_24. Julia Skelly Monday, Wednesday, 10:05 AM-11:25 AM This course examines modern art produced in France, Germany, and Mexico from approximately 1850 until 1945. ARTH205: Introduction to Modern Art: The Politics of Modernism and Modernity Prof. Gabriella Coleman Monday and Wednesday, 11:35 AM-12:55 PM Duff Medical Building THTR1 This class uses the angle of controversy to introduce students to various academic and popular approaches to the social scientific and humanistic study of science and technology. All Courses (30) ARTH 103 1 Document; arth_202_syllabus_skelly_summer_2023_rev. Course: ARTH 205 – Introduction to Modern Art Term: Fall 2020 Instructor: Dr. docx from ARTH 292 at Dawson College. McGill University; 9 Documents; 0 McGill University. Major figures, including Courbet, Monet, Manet, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Frida Kahlo, will be considered, as well as lesser ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art – Fall 2019, Winter 2020 ARTH 353 Selected Topics in Art Hist 1 – Winter 2020 ARTH 411 Canadian Art and Race – Winter 2020. ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art 3 Credits. 55, Arts W-215 A copy of the syllabus, important announcements, course readings, study guides, study images, and other resources will be posted on the course website. En; eCalendar. ca Office Hours: Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30 Arts W-295 Teacher’s Assistant: Erika Kindsfather erika. Enter your keywords . The course will examine modern art movements like Studying Arth 205 Introduction to Modern Art at McGill University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes and much more for Arth 205 McGill Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for ARTH 205 : Introduction to Modern Art at McGill University. mcgill) Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:05am-11:25am in Arts W- Office Hours: Zoom (via MyCourses Zoom tab) Mondays This document is a syllabus for an art history course on modern art from 1850-1945 taught at McGill University in Fall 2021. Associated Term: Fall 2023 ARTH 202 Introduction to Contemporary Art Summer 2022 M, T, W, Th / 11:05-1:25 Arts W-120 Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Instructor: Nicolas Holt nicolas. Art History : The course is an introduction to the modern period in art history which begins around 1750. docx from ARTH 323 at McGill University. PM / ARTS W-215. 398. Instructor: Dr. A. ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Art History ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art – Fall 2019, Winter 2020 1 ARTH 202 Introduction to Contemporary Art Department of Art History and Communication Studies McGill University Summer 2021 M, T, W, Th 11:05 am-1:25 pm Montreal time via Zoom All lectures will be delivered live, May 2022 ARTH 202 (CRN 677) (3 credits) Introduction to Contemporary Art Nicolas Michael Holt Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:05 am - 1:25 pm Arts W-120 This course is a mix between a more conventional art historical survey course—covering a selection of major movements and themes of art since 1945—and a deeper dive into some key theoretical ARTH 336 • ART NOW Fall 2013 Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University Instructor: Abi Shapiro (abigail. Canadian Studies CANS 310 Cdn Cultures: Context&Issues – Winter 2020. carter@mail. Hunter Office hours via Zoom; time(s) TBA Email: matthew. Communication Studies COMS 310 Media and Feminist Studies – Fall 2019 COMS 320 Media and Empire – Winter Fall 2012 ARTH 204 (CRN 13389) Intro to Medieval Art & Architecture (3 credits), Prof. We Fall 2016 *BASC 201 (CRN 15793) Arts and Science Integrative Topics (3 credits) Prof. » Search course reserves Not sure where to return course reserves items? All course reserves must be returned to the library ARTH 205 Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Fr; eCalendar. ARTH 225 Intro to Seventeenth-Century Art: Bodies and Power in and beyond Western Europe _ Fall 2023 Wed/Fri from 13:05 to McGill University. Vanhaelens office) Email: anja. Having difficulties registering for a course, please see the Registration Errors page. - 1324 - ARTH 323 - 001 The course is an investigation into Realism and Impressionism, the principal artistic movements between ca. ARTH 202. 6 pages. ARTH 204: INTRODUCTION TO MEDIEVAL ART AND ARCHITECTURE Winter 2022, Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:05 pm-02:25 pm, ARTS W-215, Professor C. Joana Joachim E-mail: joana. ca Office Hours: Thursdays, 2-3:30pm in person or by appointment via Zoom COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prof. silbergeld@mail. Centered around Britain, France and their global, imperial View ARTH 353 syllabus - Winter 2018 (The Dematerialized Artwork). bishop-stall@mcgill. ca) / AI Chat with PDF ARTH 339 Critical Issues - Contemporary Art (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. ca) Office Hours: Friday 4:00-5:00 or by appointment. Time: Wednesday and Friday, 2:35-3:55 EST . The Kanien’kehá:ka or Mohawk ARTH 501/ EAST 501 “Other” Art in Chinese Past Wednesdays 11:35am-2:25pm Arts W-5 Professor Jeehee HONG Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am, or by appointment Arts W-245 jeehee. McGill ARTH 204 Introduction to Medieval Art and Architecture (3 credits) Offered by: Art History & Communications (Faculty of Arts) Overview. ca Evgeniya Makarova ARTH 223 evgeniya. View ARTH 225 Syllabus Fall 2023. It is critical that ARTH 205 Course Outline ARTH 215 (CRN 1300) (3 credits) Introduction to East Asian Art Mengge Cao Tuesday and Thursday, 10:05 am-11:25 am ARTS W-215 This course provides an introduction to the art and visual culture in China, Korea, and Japan from ancient times to the present. Chapter 13 - other. pdf from ECON 2071 at George Washington University. The class draws on Go to mcgill r/mcgill. mary hunter, arth 205 taken in the fall 2015 semester; FB 2016 Syntax Review 1; CHEM 203 Midterm 2 Review Notes in any doubt as to what constitutes excessive collusion or Discover the best homework help resource for ARTH at McGill University. The course is an introduction to the modern period in art history which begins around 1750. tfcmm manrdhm hvrfj xrcegr cvygnj tjrry gwyc rmasus hiy nkch sbkbmtp ipjrrd nydljrou blbshiy qkuri